The Butterfly
The Butterfly

As the westerly blew over the grey cloudy sky,
I heard the raindrops playing chords very high,
The potpourri fragranced the room with musky aroma,
My parched soul drenched in overflowing Aloha!
There I saw her fluttering the wings,
Sitting cozily on the window string,
She cut a pretty picture in yellow and pink,
With hues of lavender on her spotty skin!
As the butterfly flapped on the window pane,
I saw her cr
ying in enormous pain,
The body was weak, frail and tired,
But her spirits never retired!
She has traveled a million miles across the shores,
Over the valleys and vast contours,
Her journey lasted for an entire lifetime,
Today she lay still and sublime!
A question bothered me to my surprise
Aren't we all in a way butterfly?
The journey begins when we step out of a cocoon,
To learn how to labour and toil till noon!