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Devi Priyadarshini

Action Crime Inspirational


Devi Priyadarshini

Action Crime Inspirational

Confined Conscience!

Confined Conscience!

2 mins

And we woke up to a new normal

Realizing that's nothing formal

 Like living in an ANNEX 

When Anne Frank was in a mess

 with bare minimum supplies

And animals set free under skies

But man alone shoved into retreats

Of prisoning walls, that discipline

A turbid conscience clean

 lost in a dreary desert 

of fantasies and luxuries

Engulfed by stormy dunes

Of intemperance & prejudice

Regardless of trumpeting calls of nature 

To ban the Vices of man who errs against future, 

The planet and its denizens

Animals and green forests

Humanity and humans

Where no peace or love rests

Turning earth into a planet

Of poisonous gases and mirth

With gallons of garbages and 

Cleanliness of oceans in dearth

Vast wetlands turned into wastelands waiting for a savior to revive their stand.

Rebellious and raging war in malady

Nature raises alarm in quiet sobriety

Seeking help from a creature half living half dead...

Forcing people with their trade 

be shoved under their bed

Impounding themselves in detainment 

Like a much-needed self-punishment

And with a masterstroke, everything's falling back to the place

Most of the planet is in much of solace!

Shameful humans abandoned from nature

Letting the rightful space for every other creature

Today they know what it feels like to be enslaved

Enchained and encroached, bound to be tortured

Mercilessly killed, once pushed out of their homes

Today they claim their peace as no devil roams... 

An eeriness that prevails in the forest nowadays

With no man to impose his wrongful ways

The birds are chirping and cicadas calling so glad

Elephants roam in a truce and truly no one's sad! 

Dolphins are merrier and raptors rove the sky

Aloof of the cruises and planes that fly.

Into the reboot mode, nature made its way

proclaiming to the World it shall have it says..

Against the law when a species does act

A catastrophe in disguise is right on the pact !!

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