Open Your Hearts!
Open Your Hearts!

We open doors to all our known friends
Welcome them with open minds!
Talk to them with a smile on your face
Speak with soft and kind words.
Ready for formal chat; begin with a word, 'hi'
Shake their hands and offer seats to sit
Very useful caring words and nice gesture to listen
Read their minds while you look at them!
Listen to their concerns with a caring heart
Keep the eyes opened and observe
Time spent is worth to make them talk
> You face them and chat with utmost care.
Start a conversation to explore their worries
Share your feelings and try to console them!
Men or women could bring tears in their eyes
Suffering soul! Apologetic while wiping tears!
Really felt more relieved and just feeling okay
Thanking you profusely with a simple hug!
Saying; 'I feel a lot better now' and humbled.
Thanking you a lot! You're very pleased!!