Love Beyond Tyrannical Norms!
Love Beyond Tyrannical Norms!

Not that I loved to feel
The winds that caress
My soft cascading hair
It was your smell and now
The brutal memory that still
Keeps you strangely alive
Even after you left me...
My wardrobe still lingers
On the musk that I smelt
When you held me tightly
Clasping unto your chest
The very first time we
Confessed there exists
Another world beyond
Cognizance of the mortals
There where discrimination
Doesn't throttle pure feelings
Racism doesn't cast its dirty spell
Upon the unadulterated perceptions
Touch doesn't heed physical existence
Where the evanescent soul finds
Peace away from tangible tantrums...
For love shall find it's the emancipation
Liberated, free-spirited, and indomitable beyond tyrannical myths & mundane norms of life!