Anoushka Upadhyay

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Anoushka Upadhyay

Abstract Others



2 mins

How many times have we heard a "Hey! Do you know Arya just got a latest designer bag from the Louis Vuitton Spring collection or  Rohan is shifting to Toronto with his family", and secretly wished we were in their place instead? We all have a myriad of wishes, dreams and desires. Some of which come true in this lifetime, others left unfulfilled with an "Oh I wish" prefix. However, what if all our dreams came true? How different would life be then?

Personally, I think, if such a miracle occurred in my life, then the first few years of my life would be nothing short of an experience of being in the seventh heaven. Driving a Porsche or a Maserati and donning new styles everyday from Versace would be the best thing ever. I could travel anywhere I want. Buy anything I could wish for myself and my dear ones. Become whoever I want, do whatever I wish to. Help out all those people I couldn't earlier. Eradicate poverty, promote literacy. Purge the world of all the wrong doings and practically become a Messiah for everyone. After that, what else?

After owning the entire world on my fingertips and maybe even the universe, would I be living a life eternal bliss given that I won't have to

worry about money or time anymore? Well it might be true to some extent. However, I feel, after a while, I would start craving for my former life. When I would see my fellow mates striving hard to pursue their dreams and experience joy while I already have everything I wished for, I might start comparing the authenticity of my happiness with theirs.

What would be better, living a life full of uncertainty, persevering through ups and downs, gaining real experience and joy or rather getting everything hands down without even putting in a tad bit of effort? Given the fact we all are humans who keep craving for the 'next best thing' without hardly ever being grateful for what we have, will I then really be satisfied with what I have? Happiness doesn't really come when things go exactly the way we want. The thrill, the excitement and frenzy we experience when we surmount all hurdles and then succeed is ineffable. So I believe if all my dreams ever came true( sans effort), I might just be hanging on a bridge between happiness and sorrow, never really being able to reach either side of it.

Well, that was my notion on this topic. Do share your perception too in the comments section!

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