An Illusion Or?...
An Illusion Or?...

As the sultry wind passed by in a low moaning wail, Kaitlyn shivered with the infernal paradoxity of the night. A distant light beckoned her near and she almost started until she saw her. She instantly shut her eyes close to avert those awful memories. Her lips barely moved in a whisper as she muttered away a silent prayer while hot tears streamed down her cheeks. When she opened them again, all she saw was an empty doorway. As she looked around, she found her hands cuffed to metal links on either side of the bedpost. A miserable howl sounded outside as she looked at the glistening moonlight that peaked through a crack in the door. Her time had come now.
As she stood up, the metal cuffs automatically withered away. She moved towards the door and laid her hand on the knob. In a flash, she yanked it open with inhuman strength. Kaitlyn looked down in awe at her newfound strength as she made her way out of the barn. Her midnight blue cloak swished in the soil as she made her way to the church yonder the field. Kaitlyn stopped dead in her tracks as she saw a creepy silhouette move from the corner of her eye. She gathered her cloak and frantically searched for her cross while hastening towards the kirk, but it only seemed to move further away. An ear-splitting scream resonated as thunder cracked. That's when an enormous black mass swooped down at her knocking her completely off her feet. Kaitlyn shrieked. She felt something – no someone seize her ankle. She wriggled away furiously but it held onto her with a vice-like grip. She could hear her brother Kailas shout something at her at from a distance, but could not make out the words. As she tried to writhe out of its grasp, she felt the ground beneath her rumble. Hands rose from the soil stilling her motion while an eerie shadow skirted towards her. When she saw who it was, Kaitlyn screamed in terror. There stood Emily, in the same distorted condition as when she had died. Her eyes were completely black, soulless screaming murder while an iron bar protruded painfully from her chest. Her right arm was contorted mercilessly behind her back while she held a dagger in her left one. "Emily please, believe me, it wasn't my fault that you died last night. I had no idea about it. Please let me go" Kate begged. She could smell her rancid breath when Emily came dangerous
ly close with a sinister smile and shook her head. She then stood up high, lifting the dagger and…
"No!!!" screamed Kaitlyn as she bolted upright on her bed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she surveyed her room and found it only to be a dream. "Kate, you were screaming in your sleep. Tell me what happened".
". She looked at her brother Kailas whose face was etched with fear and worry. "She, she" Kaitlyn stuttered and then took a deep breath. "I saw Emily in my dream. She thinks it was all my fault that she had been robbed and killed last night since I was the reason she went home late as I insisted on watching another movie and Oh god Kailas, she was going to…" "Kate she was going to what" but Kaitlyn could not utter a word. She was white with terror for behind her brother stood none other but Emily with the same evil smile and the deadly dagger.
A boisterous thunder cracked outside and the lights went off. Kaitlyn screamed deliriously while her brother held on to her tight. When the lights came back, Emily had vanished away and since then Kaitlyn had never seen her again.
And till this date, her ankles still bore those red marks from being held too tight and no matter what the soil from her cloak would never wash away…