Gautam Prakash

Abstract Drama Fantasy


Gautam Prakash

Abstract Drama Fantasy

Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess

2 mins

I was once the King for the largest kingdom in the world. I had the power to declare war on the entire world and to make peace with even the fiercest foe. But that is all in the past. I am shrunken down to the level of an immigrant in an unknown land with my wife and daughter. The reason for this was because I refused to go with the traditions of my land. When a girl is born in my land, she would be given milk mixed with poison. The kingdom has a majority of men and usually the women who are married to the men of the land are from different kingdoms. This increases the strength of the kingdom as anyone can join our soldier forces to wage war against enemies at anytime and women are usually considered the weaker sex. 

This tradition was also prevalent during my time as a King and was followed even before the time of my ancestors. I never thought anything bad about the death of a young infant until I held my daughter on the day of my wife’s delivery. When I held my kid I instantly fell in love and I did not see if it was a he or a she beca

use all I knew was I loved my kid to the moon and back. The physician failed to notice the sex of the child and I was told only after an hour after I spend time with my baby. I knew right then how people would have felt to lose their girl child. I was determined to do anything to keep the girl child alive against all odds. I was looked down upon and banished from my own kingdom but I somehow managed to keep my child alive and today she has turned out to be a beautiful and smart woman. 

The kingdom had given leeway to me because I was their king. However, a father from a common household would not get the leeway. He have gone through hell when he saw his young one die for a stupid tradition. My daughter came to me one day and asked.

“Father, what do you think I should become when I grow up?”

“Become a warrior princess”, I said.

“Become a warrior princess and conquer all lands like you did?”, she asked. 

“No my dear, become a warrior princess and stop all injustice even if it is done by a king”.

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