The day with no excuse
The day with no excuse
I am very excited about tomorrow. I have planned a grandeur April fools day for my entire family. I live in a joint family and everyone over here treats me as a kid though I tell them I am an adult. Well, not technically as I am 13 years old but nevertheless. I know that I am mature for my age and I always act like an adult. However, since they keep on telling me that I am a kid I am going to show them what a real kid does by pranking each and every family member including my dog. Since it is an April fools prank I can avoid any punishment that comes my way.
It was 6 am on the morning of the 1st of April and all the pranks were set in place. Itching cream inside my sister’s hand sanitiser bottle, extra salt in my mu
m’s dosa batter, chewed bubble gum inside my dad’s shoe, sugar in my grandmother’s hot water bottle, sprinkled salt on top of my grandfather’s replacement dental tooth and a cute prank for my cute little dog where I would feed him only 4 single kibbles when he comes to me for food.
With a bright smile on my face I switched on my dad’s video-corder but I noticed something weird. The video-corder said it was Thursday. I was confused as I thought today was Wednesday. My core was shaken when I realised that the date next to it read 2nd of April. I am going to prank my family on a day with no festive excuse to save me. My face became pale as I watched my grandmother pour her sweetened hot water into a glass.