Triumphed Over
Triumphed Over

....something's wrong with him
on her mind all the time
Haunted by his lines
his words
seep into her walls
Scanning his script
She notices her walls
begin to
To crack, and fall
Revealing a mirror
Seeing herself draped in gold
Surrounded by servants
Exotic flowers
Fruit bowls...
How could it be
"This goddess isn't me."
Yet in still,
She watches her reflection
Truth revealed to her deceptions
The goddess glances
at the mirror
Admiring her reflection
gazing intensely
Eye to eye
"All strange and terrible events are welcome,
But comforts we despise"
She says to herself
Her hand reaches out
Then she awakens.
Surrounded by servants fanning her
Flowers fill the room
His writings on gold plated
"Where is he?"
The servants look around confused
"Of whom you speak, majesty?"
She rises up off her throne
"The man who is just like me."
They begin to discreetly mutter
..."she mustn't know.."
"His writings on the wall, where is he?"
"Your majesty..the KING you seek..
Sought for you
Fought for you
....comforts you denied
He lays for you too."
She was led to a room
There he lay in his tomb
"Where is he, my KING, hiding right in front of me."
The Nile ran dry
As tears filled her eyes
Finding her KING no longer here
"Comforts I despise, leave me to drown in my tears."