the storyteller

Drama Others


the storyteller

Drama Others

The Twin Sister

The Twin Sister

6 mins

- if I knew life would turn out like this I would have never tried to harm you. 

As a mom, I should have loved you no matter what.

I hope I'm forgiven - 


tv news: good news everyone . the pop star Chelsea real name Chelsea Manahan and the rapper young j real name Jake frost are expecting their twin daughters today 

- in the hospital room-

congratulations *give the 2 babies to their parents* you have 2 healthy baby daughters 

may I know how you will call them?

Chelsea: ill name her jenny 

Jake: ill name her * sees that the baby he's holding has brown eyes * wow? 

Chelsea: babe what's wrong 

Jake: both of us have blue eyes why does this one have brown eyes !! babe!

Chelsea: I didn't cheat !! doctor did you give us the right baby? 

Jake: Jake off course it's our child she came out of you !! forget it ill name her Monique because she's unique

-3 years later-

-reporter on tv -

after 3 years the idols decided to show their daughters. I'm not here to gossip but why does one of their daughter have brown eyes?

hmmmm ....but okay I'm here to read news but if I was Jake I would have done a DNA text on her 

*Jake turns off the tv* 

rumors again ...*sign* Monique do u know where mommy and sis went? 

Monique: no daddy 

-Chelsea enters the house with shopping bags while holding jenny - 

Jake: where have you been?

Chelsea: shopping cant you see ? or u need glasses?

Jake: for who? 

Chelsea: for jenny off course

Jake; why didn't you bring both of them with you ? ? are you that bothered to bring both of them with you 

Chelsea: why are y0u getting mad? You know I can't watch over both kids 

Jake: then u could have asked me to tag along ! are you ashamed of her ? is it because of the gossiping? she's also your child!! 

Chelsea: yes!! *puts the bag down* I get uncomfortable bringing her with me !! everyone things I cheated even you !!! 

Jake: uncomfortable!! what type of mother are you? pushing your child away just because of others? 

Chelsea: so now I'm the bad guy? fine!! ill stay with my mom!

- Chelsea takes jenny with her- 

Jake; you're not bringing our child with you!! if you wanna bring jenny bring Monique with you too!! or leave both of them!! 

Chelsea: fine !! * takes both children with her and slams the door * 

- at Chelsea's mom house she has been abusing Monique and work her like a slave -

-Chelsea knew that Jake will notice the bruises so after the bruises went away Chelsea decided to come back home -

-at home- 

jenny: daddy !! 

Jake: welcome back kids * kisses jenny * where's your sister? 

jenny: she's there carrying the bags *whispers in jakes ears* mommy told her to carry the bags 

Jake: what?!! *Jake puts jenny down and walks up to Monique* give me those sweety, they ARE too heavy 

*Jake throws the bag at Chelsea* are you crazy!! why are you letting a 3 year old carry the bags? 

Chelsea: she wanted to carry them !! why are you getting mad at me? 

Jake: she wanted to carry? waw ... so if she tells u to drive the car you would let her drive? 

Chelsea: off course not .. she's too young to drive 

Jake: but with your logic that's how stupid you sound !! 

Chelsea: you know what !! its best if we end this relationship !! too much drama and you're toxic !! 

Jake: oh so I'm toxic? fine !! but the kids stay with me 

Chelsea: no !! by the law every child have to stay with their mom !! 

Jake: you're not a mom , not even a mom figure 

Chelsea: u say what u want they coming with me !! * takes the twins and leaves * 

- 12 years later Monique still being abuse and working like a slave not going to school anymore, while jenny is raised as a princess-

Chelsea: brat!! clean the house, wash the dishes, I want everything spotless and make sure you stay indoors while i'm out.. I don't want people to know you still exist !! understood? 

Monique: yes mom 

*Chelsea slaps Monique* i'm not your mom !! don't ever call me that again 

Monique: yes ma'am 

Chelsea: good !! * walks out* 

- a view min later- 

jenny: sis * looks around* is mom out? 

Monique: yes she just left 

*jenny hugs Monique*ill help you .. mom thinks she can separate us ... I will always love you and treat you good *smiles* 

* they started cleaning the house together * 

- at the age of 16 Chelsea decided to throw a birthday party "sweet sixteen" for jenny -

*in the room with Monique*

Chelsea: make sure you stay in here ... I don't wanna see you mess up your sister's birthday party 

*Chelsea walks out* 

* the party is going great while all of the suddenly Monique walks out and join the party * 

Chelsea: why can't you listen !! * slaps Monique multiple times in front of everyone* 

jenny: mom !!stop it !! * pulls Monique away * you can't hurt her because she's different. 

she didn't ask to be born 

* people at the party whispering * 

Chelsea: * looks around* she isn't my child !! my child is dead !! 

jenny: mom!! how could you say that !! we look just alike you can't lie about her not being your child !! 

Chelsea: the party is over !! everyone can go home !! me and the girls have something to discussed!

* After everyone left the party * 

Chelsea: why do you love her that much ?can't you see her existence hurt me 

Jenny: she's my sister !! my twin sister .. i can't live without her ! seeing you treating her like this hurts me mom dad loves us both why can't you ?

Chelsea: well then !! if it hurts you then ill end your pain * Chelsea takes a knife and aims to kill Monique but jenny takes the knife in her chest instead * 

*jenny falls to the ground with blood while Chelsea stands like a statue because of the shock that she killed the wrong person *

Monique: sis !! Jenny !! nooo ... 

Jenny: * tries to speak while chocking on her own blood * I - I love you ... p-please keep living for me .... a-a-and tell dad I lu-ove him 

Monique: no no .. sis .. stay alive ... please.. don't leave me .. u can't die ... * shakes her head* no no you can't die yet .. you have * started crying* you have a long life ahead of you 

* the twins dad opens the door, he came to the party because he wanted to suprise them on their sweet 16 birthday .... he sees the murder scene and runs up to the girls * 

Jake: jenny !! jenny!! baby stay with me * shouts * Monique call and ambulance leave her for me call the ambulance !!! hurry up !! 

*Monique calls the ambulance with trembling hands , sobs while talking on the phone*

* the ambulance arrived.... but it was too late.... when they did jenny was already dead of too much blood lost*

* it was the most horrible , terrifying and memorable night * 

* Chelsea was sentence to death* 


* Monique and Jake had tried to move on after 20 years * 

Before Chelsea died she wrote a note: if life would have turned out like this I would have never let hate take the best of me. As a mom I should have loved you ... I hope I'm forgiven by both of you 

ps: mom

                                                -THE END-

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