Aadar Atreya

Romance Classics


Aadar Atreya

Romance Classics



6 mins

She is a Pseudo

It was a Hobson's choice for Smitesh now. "Hello mam! It's so nice meeting you, unexpectedly" Smitesh said in a very formal manner. Geetanjali (Miss Bandyopadhyay) laughed at Smitesh's manoeuvre in such a normal situation. "Same here!" she exclaimed. "You have really developed the physique you wanted, huh?!" Mrs Bandyopadhyay said looking at Smitesh. In their last meeting, Smitesh was suffering the loss of doing irregular physical workout. His belly was quite visible along with inflated man boobs. Smitesh was taken aback and blushed at the kindness shown by Miss Bandyopadhyay. However, he still had a look of embarrassment on his face. Miss Bandyopadhyay sensed the hesitance and decided to address the issue. "Smitesh! Is this redness out of embarrassment?" she asked funnily.

Smitesh looked sideways with his open mouth and nodded. Miss Bandyopadhyay laughed out aloud; she had her own sophisticated but feminine laugh. The college president compared that laugh to a female pimp once. Since then, every jealous person looked at the laughter that way unbeknown to Miss Bandyopadhyay.

However, Smitesh found the laugh very genuine. He always thought it came from the core of the heart and was in no way haughty. "This was the exact same redness when you faced me after chasing away those goons" Miss Bandyopadhyay commented. Now, Smitesh was quite facile after seeing Miss Bandyopadhyay's normal outlook on the infamous event that happened during their last meeting. He felt that he should speak after standing still for minutes. "The redness was both of anger and embarrassment, I suppose. You don't choose violence when you face dissent" he said in rather a grave tone. Miss Bandyopadhyay looked at him with broad eyes as both started walking. "Don't say that aloud" she said in a quite scoffing tone. When the conversation was gearing up, Miss Bandyopadhyay got a call. She excused herself and talked inaudibly something serious. Smitesh courteously waited for the conversation to end. It was around a two minute ordeal and the conversation finally ended. But, Geetanjali left the place with utter dejection on her face. She left the place as if Smitesh were not even standing right before her. Smitesh looked at her with disdain and watched her go. 

This simple moment was all downhill for Smitesh. The gravitational sadness fell all over his body and certain things from the past flashed. The first event that undoubtedly came to his mind was the day he risked his life for what he believed was good. It was a hot summer day in the college campus both naturally and politically. The election season saw quite some intense rallies and even polarisation. It was not appreciated by Miss Bandyopadhyay and the lot but some of the professors with far-right ideology were with their choice of student wing. 

They supported every speech and rally within the college campus. Violence was still not a part of the chaos, though. That day, however, a gate crash at the college occurred. Smitesh was on the top floor standing idle during that moment. He heard loud punching sounds, coming from the ground. Later, the chain conversations ultimately brought out the shameful truth. The far-right student wing actually brought raided fanatics into the campus with arms. The opposition's presidential candidate had a broken nose and swollen lips after beaten. There were bruises on the back too. Miss Bandyopadhyay was utterly delirious at the notoriety shown by the wing. Eventually, the w

ing was not allowed to contest after a bench was set up to look after the incident. Miss Bandyopadhyay was the torch bearer in ousting them from contesting the elections. It was just after that semester that she retired. 

The repercussions of good authorial initiative were however inevitable. Smitesh was returning back from the backyards of the city's metro station after scoring some cannabis. He was all alone and his flat was at a very short distance. It was a cold night and Smitesh wanted to reach his flat as soon as possible. Some erratic sounds of a female crying for help suddenly echoed around there. They were coming from the forepart and Smitesh smelled trouble. It was of course a completely haughty situation and Smitesh was questioning his ethics. His mind already started developing excuses which seemed coherent. Smitesh, however, wore a handkerchief on his face and did not accept the excuses.He ran to the source with his pocket knife and saw a man forcefully topping. He went to the man and dragged towards himself. The man was the former college president. Smitesh was unbeknown to him along with the fact he had a handkerchief on. The very face gave Smitesh a big reason to beat the drunk goon. He did not waste time and kicked the former president's sensitive part. As the president fell with pain, Smitesh untied the handkerchief and saw Miss Bandyopadhyay staring directly at his eyes. Smitesh eloped as fast as he could never to be seen again only till today.

It was night time after Smitesh had petted the horses in the stable. He was smoking his third Marlboro of the day and the disdain feeling for Miss Bandyopadhyay was quite gone. But, his broken friendships, fragile relationships and superficial self-pressure regarding studies and life flashed right before his eyes. In case of Miss Bandyopadhyay, he himself was perplexed as to why he got so bitter at her behaviour. There have been only two meetings between both and he hardly knows her. Her courage and liberal mindset along with the voluptuous figure did make him feel great. But, now he convinced himself to see the harsh truth. She had been with her husband even after him being no better than her chauvinist colleagues and misogynist males, in general. She never thanked Smitesh for the heroism he showed and she actually never had the courage to file a case against the former college president. Smitesh knew he was being harsh on the accusations but it did help him sleep better, though with the other sadness of the past and resurgence of the anxiety before sleeping.

The beautiful part of waking up in a rural beautiful setting engulfed by gardening and animals was being able to forget the night before completely. Smitesh woke up quite early at 7:30 am and touched his erection. The sunlight passed through the opaque curtains and made him smile. He went to the mirror, touching his body amidst the beautiful morning ambience. There were the neighing sounds that made things even better. He flaunted his nude body like everyday and checked for his phone. A friend request and message from someone appeared . The name 'Miss Bandyopadhyay' gave him a shrill all over the body and that sophisticated feminine laugh came to his mind. 

"Good morning! I want to make up to you. Let us go sight-seeing surreptitiously" the message flashed. Smitesh smiled cutely at himself and he became exuberant about the day. It was the second time he felt so good without any second thought with the first time being accidentally bumping into Miss Bandyopadhyay.

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