The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-2)
The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-2)

Once I'm in my car, I turn the key and I hear the motor having trouble starting, no no not today, please not today. I should have brought it to auto shop a long time ago. Sadly, I don't have the extra money and definitely didn't have time while finishing college and job hunting.
I turn the key back off and say a little prayer, hoping this time that it works, and the car starts. Luckily when I turn the key slowly and pump the gas a few times it does, and I let out a huge sigh of relief.
Thank God, I definitely didn't need to have car troubles my first day. That wouldn't have been good at all. Nor would it have looked good when I would have to tell a freaking billionaire CEO that I'm late for my first day, because my crappy car didn't want to start this morning.
My guardian angels must have worked some magic because it started up like a damn dream for once. Before the car has a chance of changing its mind, I quickly throw it into reverse and back out.
Fuck I forgot to put in the address. No, I have not been there yet, due to covid they actually did the interview over the phone. Which I didn't think was the best way to actually see if I was a good fit or not but the women, I spoke with sounded pretty desperate. So, I guess they would have taken anybody right now.
I throw my car back into park while I Google the business again. Pulling up the address and pressing start on my phone, yeah, my car doesn't have GPS. I have to rely on my phone to take me. I know it's dangerous but right now that's all I have and hopefully tomorrow will be a lot easier. I can learn how to get there without help.
Once the map on my phone is pulled up, I put my dang car back into drive and head out of the parking lot. Taking in several deep breaths telling myself today is going to go good and that I shouldn't worry too much.
A few minutes later I can tell I'm definitely in the city because its cars lined up back to freaking back.
Shit, this isn't going to be good.
The cars look like they are freaking frozen, they are backed up for miles, stuck. Here I am complaining, and I know what people would think, maybe it's a wreck up a head but no.
It's the city.
It's definitely not like Texas and I kind of missed those roads. You could get where you wanted within minutes of driving. Not like here. Where you already know you're going to be sitting in your car every day at some point backed up with the traffic.
The clock on my dashboard reads 6:45am, that's definitely not looking good. I'm starting to panic, yes, I also have panic attacks. My life sucks. The pain is starting to shoot up my neck. I try to slow down my breathing, telling myself that everything is going to be fine, and I will get to work on time.
As I'm sitting and waiting, I think
about my life, how I moved away from my family and how I left behind my friends. I was so lonely the past few years, the city people at the college I went to knew I came from the country. They didn't really involve me with things. My momma had the bright idea for me to join a sorority and I did. I pledged. I didn't make it through. You want to know what they did? They made a list right, a freaking list of things we had to complete for the first two weeks of what they liked to call "hell week".
On that list was ridiculous shit, one I actually had to kiss a professor, a freaking god dang professor, who were all like 40 years older than I was!
Who would want that?
Another thing on the list was they expected us to walk around campus looking like we just took the walk of shame. I'm talking messed up make-up, messed up clothes and messed up hair.
I actually did that. It wasn't so bad; students laughed and took pictures but that was okay. I could handle it. I even kissed a damn professor. I picked the youngest one, he was 35 at the time I believe give or take a few years, well he was a professor aid at the time, but they counted it.
I passed all of those. I did them. I didn't like it, but I got them done all for me to feel like I actually belonged. That's not what got me denied. They were only letting 3 new girls join that year, they made us stand around naked on a table. Where they all started to draw circles on us with black permanent markers. I did it at first. Listening while they made fun of the things on our bodies that didn't fit the perfect freaking barbie.
The thing that pushed me out though, is they wanted us to put on underwear. Underwear that barley covered anything just so they could post pictures of them online!
They wanted to show everyone everything that was wrong with our bodies and back then I was a little overweight. So you could imagine how many circles I had.
I can't do it.
A few girls were crying and all I could think was that my father would flip his tractor over if he found out I allowed myself to partake in that kind of situation. I refused and they told me I didn't have what it took.
That's okay.
Fuck them. I wasn't going to let them embarrass me for the whole dang school to see, laugh and make fun of me.
Finally, after I don't know how long the cars start to slowly move. Thank goodness. I only have 10 minutes left to get to work and I just know I'm going to be freaking late.
Over 10 minutes later I quickly find the parking garage and find a spot on the bottom freaking level. Which means now I'm going to have to locate the freaking elevator to even get out of the garage.
Could my first day get any dang worse?
What else could possibly happen?