Arnav Sivakumar

Action Others


Arnav Sivakumar

Action Others

The Hunter

The Hunter

2 mins

In a country there was a hunter and his name was Rambo. He would hunt animals for getting money it was his job too. He would hunt animals like tigers for their skin, deer for their horns and elephants for their tusk and rhinos for their horns.

He used to kill animals very badly and after killing one animal he used to take one ml of their blood and pour it a air lock cover and keep it as a collection.

He had killed more than 50 animals illegally and when one day one family went to the forest for a vacation that time they saw this hunter and called the police and informed them, then

the police arrested him and the company's CEO who would buy animals' skin and horns. They arrested the CEO also then he asked a wish to give him a lab and the collection of his blood.

The police accepted to fulfill his dream, then in the prison with his blood collection he made a new strongest, biggest, brilliantest and the scariest animal and then it became a failure project. Then the full military attacked one it then it died. then they found that the founder was him and told that they are going to kill him then he asked a wish to taste a tiger's blood then they gave him to taste then he died. 

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