Arnav Sivakumar

Children Stories


Arnav Sivakumar

Children Stories

The boy who wants to be a army

The boy who wants to be a army

1 min

Once in a village there was a boy with his sister, mother and father. The boy's name was Jackson and his ambition was to be army man. He was living with his family happily suddenly a war begin in that war Jackson's family died because of a missed bomb. After the war was for three days after three days the war stopped after that Jackson 's friends was only alive so they made a decision to join a military and get Victory after fighting with British military. After that they planned to take training suddenly a snake came and bit Jackson's leg then their friends ki

lled the snake and they lifted him and toke to hospital.

After 10 years later they joined military and won many war expect the war which was against the British military It was the day before the war against British military. The war began and the British military. the British military thought that it would be easy. So they slowly fired the tanker but before the British military fire the tanker the Indian military fired the tanker on their tanker and their tanker blasted and after a long war the finally Indian military got Victory.

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