The Destiny Call- (Finale- The Dance Battle )
The Destiny Call- (Finale- The Dance Battle )

As the day came to an end, Swati tried catching some sleep, but the moment she closed her eye, all she could saw was Meetali and the dancing stage.
Though she had said Yes, this was challenging for her since she was about to discover what destiny had stored for her.
On the other hand, Krishnaswamy was happy today since Swati finally agreed to help him, it was painful for him to see Radhika's health and Swati was the only hope to bring her wife back to normal.
However, Meetali was happy her sister was ready to support her in fulfilling her dream. Though she was not much in a position to do something, she promised to help Swati in all the best manner.
Radhika is her own state of mind was thinking and worrying about Meetali.
They were not aware that the next 7 days were going to be turning chapters in their lives
Swati meets Radhika in the Hospital - Day 1
As agreed upon Swati and Krishnaswamy decided to meet Radhika in the hospital. It was a difficult step for Swati, but she knew it was unavoidable. She can never replace Meetali, but today she agreed to step in her shoes because this could help in saving Radhikas life and Swati had promised Meetali that she would save her mother's life and shall participate and win the competition too.
They told the doctors about the meeting, how Swati would be presented as Meetali, and doctors were happy with this arrangement. They were optimistic that this would bring in a positive change in her health, but they also cautioned them, that they need to be careful because any type of shock was harmful to Radhika's life.
Listening to this Krishnasway wanted to give a second thought of this meeting, but Swati who was sitting there held his hand and said, "Uncle, Don't worry, we'll get this through. I am well prepared, you don't need to worry about anything. Let's go and meet 'Maa".
He was shocked to hear the word "Maa" from Swati, since Meetali sometimes used to call Radhika "Maa", for a fraction he thought her '"Meetali" was back. Swati knew his thoughts and said, Uncle, Meetali told me about her diary and asked me to go through that. Through that diary itself, I came to know she used the word "Maa; sometimes and that made Radhika aunty very happy.
As both of them reached Radhika's room, they saw she was lying in the bed with her back towards them. Krishnaswamy went near to her, touched her forehead and said, Hi Radhika, Looks whose here to surprise you. Listening to his voice Radhika said, Krisha I don't want to meet any visitors now. I just want to meet my daughter, yet you don't bring her here. I know she is busy with the competition preparation, but at least she should come and meet her "Maa".It's been ages since I have seen her.
As Swati stepped ahead, gently placed her hand on her shoulder and said, "Sorry Maa, I didn't come to meet you earlier. See now I am here, won't you meet me?
As Swati's words reached her ears, she turned to look there she was her "Meetali", "her life".She turned and gave her a tight hug.
Seeing Radhika's reaction, Swati could very well imagine, what her relationship was with Meetali.
Radhika then said, 'Meetali, you look different beta. Your hairstyle has changed and your voice also seems different.
Before Krishnaswamy could step in, Swati said, "Maa, this hairstyle is for the dance competition and I had some ice cream that's why you feel my voice has changed. You know there is such tough competition there not getting proper rest and sleep, and I am meeting you after a long time, that's why you feel things have changed.
But trust me, I am your "Meetu", as you called me sometimes. Radhika smiled and they knew she was convinced with Swati's reasoning.
Swati then said, 'Maa, do you remember this red dress that I am wearing?
Radhika noticed and much to their surprise said, "How can I forget Meetu, this was your bday dress, we searched so many shops to get this dress.
It was then he realised that Swati was wearing Meetali's dress. Swati was no less than an angel for him today. He was happy that Radhika was happy to remember the old memories and that definitely was progress.
Krishnaswamy noticed there was a sense of happiness and a smile on Radhika's face after a long time. And this was possible because of Swati.
Both mother and daughter got busy catching up, while Swati was telling her about the dance preparation, at the same time, she was trying to remind Radhika about old memories too.
Their meeting got intervened by the nurse, as she informed visiting hours got over. And they have to now leave. ( Krishnaswamy had asked them for this arrangement so that Swati doesn't have to spend a lot of time, plus they wanted to proceed cautiously)
Radhi frowned listening to this, as she wanted to spend some more time with her, but Swati promised it was just a matter of 7 days and after the competition, she would return home.
As they were about to leave, Radhika said, "Meetu, aren't you forgetting something?
She and Krishnaswamy both stopped, as both were clueless about what was she referring to. They turned back and Swati slowly moved towards her, uncertain what Radhika was asking for.
Radhika moved forward a gave her a kiss on the cheeks and said, You, forgot your good luck beta, she asked.
Swati smiled and said, "No Maa, I was checking, if you remembered too. She too gave her a kiss on her cheeks and said, I almost forgot I got something for you. From her bag, she took out a rose and gave it to her. I know you love roses, don't worry from now on, daily you'll get your favourite.
Due to the competition, I cant visit you daily, but Dad would come and bring 1 rose daily for you on my behalf.
Radhika smiled and said, Don't worry about me and no need to come daily. You focus on your competition, I'll come to see you perform. I know my sweetheart will rock. Bye beta. take care.
Swati hugged her tight and said, Thank you Maa. Your Meetu shall make you proud.
As they came out of Radhika's room, he noticed Swati was in tears, he too was in tears. Though they didn't say anything, they both knew what each one was thinking.
Well, as they stepped into the car to move to his house, he asked, Swati I remember seeing Meetali's diary, nowhere it was mentioned that Radhika loved red roses, even I forgot to share it with you. Swati smiled and said, Yes, uncle it was Meetali that told me about it. The day I met her for the first time, she told me everything about Aunty. I am sorry I didn't ask you before that Meetali's dress to wear.
He said, 'Don't be sorry beta. I should be thankful to you, that you were so thoughtful and did this for Radhika.
Swati said, Uncle, no need to say thanks, our first hurdle is over, now let's focus on our 2nd hurdle that's preparing me for dance. I am a bad dancer, I don't know how you would convert me into Meetali. He smiled and said Don't worry beta. we'll get through this together.
Day 2 - The Dance Battle Begins
As per the arrangement, Swati, her parents and her best friend stayed at Krishnaswamy's house. Swati realised that they had a beautiful home and it was well maintained. The beautiful family photos clearly depicted how close-knit the family they were. Krishnaswamy's father was also staying there to support his son. He was shocked to see Swati, for a moment he too thought Meetali was back, but then the plan was revealed to him and he too volunteered to support them in all possible ways.
They had an extra room that they had converted into the practice room. Krishnaswamy had some dance tapes of Meetali that he gave to Swati to watch before the practice session. Swati was mesmerized seeing the tapes, how could she match with this.
And thus started the dance practice. He showed her Meetali's last dance performance which she had won. She remembered this since this
was something she had seen in her dreams. He told her Meetali had well planned her dance in advance and so she had prepared a tape on the dance she was supposed to perform in the Finale. Everyone was shocked to see the tape, she dance so gracefully and beautifully.No wonder she was a wonderful dancer and deserved to win this contest.
Krishnaswamy said, Beta, we don't have much time to go to basics, so what we can do is we'll see this video and I shall help you with the dance steps.
The dance session started, Swati was not kidding when said that she was a bad dancer. She was struggling with the steps, dance was never her cup of tea and that too performing on the stage was out of the question. But here, there was no scope to quit, she had to perform and win the contest for her sister and Radhika aunty. The dance steps seemed difficult and in the learning process, she was getting hurt too.
By end of the day, she managed to get some steps, but her legs were paining badly, they had turned red and soar.
Krishnaswamy knew Swati was putting her best foot forward, but it was difficult to step in Meetali's shoes. He said, Swati, take rest beta. I guess we are done for the day. Let's resume the session tomorrow.
Swati was tired and indeed retired to her room. Her family, Naina, Krishnaswamy knew, she was trying hard, but for her, it was not about putting effort instead it was about getting results.
She was not able to sleep, if she continued with the same speed, how would she be able to perform in the contest, she thought to herself.
As she closed her eyes, she remembered Meetali 3 times, and there she was to support her. When Swati opened her eyes, she saw Meetali in front of her. She thanked Swati for what she did for Radhika today. Meetali knew what was troubling Swati, she said, I know sister, you are having a tough time practising the steps, I am very well aware dance is not your forte, yet you are preparing hard to participate in the competition.
How can I help you Swati, she asked. Swati said, I have seen the CD you have prepared for dance, but how about if you could teach me the steps. Meetali was more than happy to fulfil her request. And thus both the sisters happily practised the dance steps together.
For the next few days, Krishnaswamy was astonished to see the improvement in Swati's dance, he was amazed by the confidence with which Swati danced as if at night something magical happens. Not only him, everyone was surprised to see the difference, they were all surprised to see the new version of Swati as a dancer.
Naina asked her one day, Swati how come your dance steps have improved so much, she smiled and said, Maybe I was wrong about being a bad dancer, my sister was a great dancer, so maybe a part of it resides in me as well.
In the daytime, Krishnaswamy helped her with the steps and in the night her sister helped her with the steps. It was a lovely reunite of the sisters, not only then danced, but they talked, discussed and had a good time in each other's company. Swati did not realise she was undergoing a great transformation, but more importantly, she was really happy to know her sister.
This continued for few days and finally, it was the last day of the practice session. She gave the final performance in front of them, and they loved it. she danced flawlessly and with grace. Since she was wearing Meetali's dress, it was difficult to recognize it was Swati, not Meetali.
The D day arrived, Krishnaswamy brought Radhika directly to the event to attend the show, his father too joined them. At the same time, Swati parents, Naina also reached the event. Swati was already at the event.
While Swati was in the dressing room waiting for her name to be announced, she realised she was not alone, Meetali was there too. She said, "Swati, don't worry, you'll win the contest. You have worked very hard, just give your best. Swati smiled and said, Sister, this dance is for you.
Finally, "Meetali Iyer" was announced, as she reached the stage, she touched the floor of the dance stage with hands and worshipped it, something that Meetali used to do before every dance performance. The judges were impressed seeing this since she was the only contestant to do this. Krishnaswamy saw this and smiled, she really got transformed into Meetali, he thought.
She danced beautifully and gracefully, she performed with perfection. It was mesmerizing to see her dance. The audience seemed to be enchanted with her performance. Radhika was happy to see her baby performed, Seeing the performance there was no doubt she would be the winner.
Meetali was there too, watching this, and being proud of what her sister accomplished in these 7 days.
As her dance ended, the hall was echoing with applauds. Now, everyone was awaiting the results.
The host said, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the event. Any guesses for today's winner and the only name that could be heard was "Meetali".
Yes, you are right, the winner is Ms Meetali Iyer. I would request her to please come on the stage and get the trophy and cash prize of 25 lakhs.
As Swati got up on the stage, to receive the trophy and cash prize, she said to the presenter, "Sorry, but I cant accept this trophy and cash prize, because I am not Meetali Iyer, but her twin sister 'Swati".Meetali is no more in this world and to honour her wish I participated in this contest.
I understand you might qualify me for the contest, but before that, I would like to share something with you. And then she narrated the whole incident to everyone.
Judges were shocked to listen to this and much to everyone's surprise asked for some time to take the final decision.
As Swati narrated the story, Radhika fainted, Krishnaswamy rushed to her hold her. Fortunately, Radhika's doctor was present there to attend to her. Much to their surprise, her vitals showed normal when she regained consciousness. This was a miracle for them this incident healed her, what medicines couldn't.
She said I am so sorry you had to go through this alone. I know our Meetali has gone, but who is that beautiful girl who looks like our Meetli. Krishnaswamy then narrated everything to Radhika. She said, Please take me to Swati, I want to meet her and thanks to her for what she did for our daughter and for me.
On the other side, Swati's parents and Naina was shocked to hear this, as no one had any idea that Swati would reveal her identity during the contest, especially when she had won the contest.
But Swati knew she had to do this. Meetali couldn't be more proud of her sister, for what she did today.
The judges went on the stage and said, "Ideally Swati is disqualified for lying and pretending to be Meetali Iyer. But at the same time, we also came to know she was a non-dancer and today she had actually performed like a true dancer and that too in 7 days. It was unfortunate that we lost Meetali in her accidents, but today what her sister did was amazing.
Not only she performed well but also had the courage, to tell the truth. Considering this we announce Swati as "Winner of the Contest".
As she was given the trophy and cash prize, she was asked to say few words, She just said, 'I dedicate this trophy to my sister Meetali, this one is for you. Thank you for believing in me. I would like to thanks Krishnaswamy uncle, my parents, my best friend ( Naina) for supporting and believing in me.
After the contest got over, they gathered at Meetali's home. Radhika Thanked Swati for everything she did for them. She said this trophy belongs to Meetali, please keep it and this cash prize, she wanted to donate to an orphanage. This victory is her's not mine. Thank you for letting me know about my sister and taking such good care of her.
Few years down the line.....
"Oh, so this is how you became such a beautiful dancer, Mumma, Pari, asked Swati.
Swati nodded and said, Yes Pari, it was all because of your Meetali mausi and the destiny call.