The COVID-19 Pandemic (Part 2)
The COVID-19 Pandemic (Part 2)

They informed the police and registered an FIR report. After the complaint was lodged in the police station, the police had to take an action. Inspector Vikram was in charge of this case. He and his team searched for Sara everywhere but could not find her.
They came back to the police station and asked a few questions to her parents, starting from the most simple and common question, "When and how did this happen?" Sara's father replied, "We had come for a picnic and there was a lot of crowd on the beach so our daughter got lost."
The inspector asked, "Do you have enemies, I mean was there any fight or argument with someone?" Father replied, "No, we all lived a life of three people and there was no fourth person in our family. But, yeah, Ankit knew that we were coming here."
Inspector asked, "Who is Ankit? Is he your family member? "No, he is my neighbour. But, why will he kidnap my daughter? We were best friends and did not have any fight from the past few days." replied the father. "Maybe he wants your property and will blackmail you for killing your daughter." said the inspector.
There was pin-drop silence after the inspector said and then suddenly Sara's father's mobile rang. It said that it was an unknown number. He answered the call and someone spoke, "Hey, I know you are searching for your daughter, right...? And, you have also reached the police station." Sara's father said surprisingly, He-Hello, who are you and how do you know that my daughter is kid
napped? "I know because I have kidnapped your daughter and she is with me in my house. You will get your daughter when you sign the papers of your property. And, if you tell this to the police then I'll kill your daughter." He threatened him and suddenly the call got disconnected.
The inspector asked, "What did he say? Did he tell you to come somewhere?"
Now, Sara's father was a bit scared because he knew that if he tells the police, Ankit would kill his daughter. The inspector was waiting for his answer and again asked him loudly, "What did he tell? Can you please tell me so that I can take further actions?" asked the inspector.
The father who was engrossed in his own world of thoughts came out of it and replied, "Yeah sir, it was an unknown number..." "I know it was an unknown number, can you tell me what he said to you?" asked the inspector angrily.
Father replied hesitating, "Umm, well, it was a spam number and it was talking about the loans so I kept listening to him." The inspector said, "Oh okay, I thought it was Ankit who called you up."
He felt something fishy and decided to follow Sara's father. He made his own team and went behind to look for where the father was going...
I hope you all loved reading my stories and quotes. The next part will be published two or three weeks later due to my exams. Btw, thank you so much for your love and support towards me and Happy New Year to all of you!!