2 mins

I admire mountains over any other natural wonders. I would sit and wonder how majestically it stood and one day it would let off its rage to the village below leaving death and torment throughout the valley.

Once I stumbled on a stranger while walking along the woods of Kheerganga, he sat near a corner stone leaning his back towards the wall. His bag pack was spread in front of him, I presumed that he was searching for the “charas” he kept somewhere inside his torn bag and subsequently blowing his chillum to clear off intended dust. I sat across him at a distance of few feet giving me the advantage to run in case he turns out to be an angry pothead I encountered.

I understood he didn’t have any matchbox to light but he never looked at me or asked for help. I called at him and threw the matchbox towards him but landed somewhere near him, so he extended his comfort zone and reached over the matchbox and lighted his chillum without saying a thanks or giving back the box.

After taking a humongous drag of clean hash, he gestured me to join him or sit close to him, I was hesitant at first and told him that I was about to leave now. He asked “A

re you scared looking at me? Are you scared of a man sitting near a corner smoking our nature’s most beautiful medicine”. I said “May be but I am curious to talk to you too”.

He became very hostile when I said I don’t want to smoke the hash, he said you just ignored the most sacred gift from my Lord, the one who resides on top these mountains watching over all of us. He told me few things later, which made me think a lot and I spend almost 3hrs listening to his stories and listening to his songs where he would raise his hands and his whole hair would dance alongside that and chant Bhole Nath Ki Jai!.

He told me that I shouldn’t look for happiness at a single place instead knock on every door I find curious about. The idea behind knocking is not to be answered by anyone but when you knock you realize what you are looking for. Don’t be a weed like me caught in a riptide instead reach for your endless dream because beyond that lies your true happiness. 

As I packed up my bags he said “Vishnu, remember to breathe & share your happiness because sometimes you have to run even though walking is easy. I smiled at him and returned back.

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