
He stands before me today. The man of my dreams.
Dressed in his best suit and a scarlet tie; the colour of love. His eyes as they take me in are deep and hungry. Lips curved in the same mischievous smile he had worn on the day I first met him. I remembered our initial flirtations, how sometimes the bardinage went too far and made him much too excited and me, somewhat frightened. That was his way of doing things, I have learnt it now. I learnt it when sometimes he laid with me until the break of dawn, in the moments of intimacy where he held me tightly and told me he would never let me go.
In my sickness, he was my only companion. Everyone had left me but him, for they believed my closeness with him was making me forget them.
Death, they call him. And he loves me dearly. Mostly I see him in my dreams, but sometimes he is here to stitch up my wounds when I let the blades slide over my skin for th
e thrill and holds my arms gently when I am tearing my hair out.
He is very patient with me, the man of my dreams.
Everyone says I will be losing my last battle if I let him take me. But oh, I love him so. I know he is not my end but my new beginning.
He is taking me home today. To his land. He says it is a land of beauty. He says I belong there. How he makes me blush. I can see it from here, it is not that far, but he is holding my hand so as to guide me.
His dark suit envelopes me as he picks me up, his red tie covers my eyes. And for so long, he carries me. Do you trust me, he asks.
I do.
I can feel the lack of him when his arms untangle from me, and so I wake to stop him from leaving.
But he is not with me anymore. He is long gone. I reach out to caress his shadowy skin, but feel nothing.
Out of grief and loss, I begin to cry, and my voice is that of an infant.