The Bus Journey
The Bus Journey

Lazy winter evening, heading back home from college. Tired and frustrated with my regular routine. I was in that stage of my life where living it was difficult rather than dying. Being a part of a race and moving particular direction was never my thing. At times society controls your life and you are pushed to join that race.
Crowded bus, earphone pulled in and I could see people around me but none with a happy face. I wonder were they the part of the same race. We're they doing things to make them happy or their surroundings?
My playlist played a love song and I immediately changed it. Love has never been my friend. The only thing I received by loving someone was, I forgot to love myself.
At times I feel love is overrated, I hate the concept of being in love with someone who tends to leave you no matter how hard you try to keep them by your side.
People tend to change themselves for love just to be perfect for someone. Try to find someone who appreciates your flaws rather pushes you to be a perfect one.
Life has never been easy for anyone but if you have real friends you could survive it. But what if your "real friends" turns into your worst nightmare.
What's worst then your friend
mocking about your weakness? I have never been welcomed in a group. Earlier these things would affect me, I would question myself, "Why Am I neglected.",
"Arent you funny or smart enough to be a part of a group." My conscience always consoles me by saying, "Be happy at least you are not pretending to be someone just to make friends rather you are portraying your true self.
Suddenly I turned my gaze, I saw a girl standing 10 inches away and her face was towards me. She was a bit older maybe in her early 20's, due to the strange reason I kept admiring her.
There was something special about that girl, she was busy laughing, enjoying, sharing or giving proper detail to her friend. She was unlike others who were just waiting for their destination.
She saw me staring, the next thing I remember she smiled back. "Is that a good smile" or it is a "don't look at me smile.", I asked myself. To my surprise, she was constantly looking at me. We were exchanging glances and I was not in love but I was alive for a moment or two.
My bus stop arrived, I was heading towards the gate and I saw her for the last time. My conscience requested me, "Don't leave, stay." To which I replied, "Good things never last for a longer period."