Jai Ganesh Vaidyanathan
Action Thriller
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This story ha...
The Idealisti...
The Face Of R...
I still have three days of time to prepare. God, this time I should not let this opportunity slip fr... I still have three days of time to prepare. God, this time I should not let this...
Hearsay and folklore in Andhra Pradesh goes a long way in remembering and eulogizing the Adivasis of... Hearsay and folklore in Andhra Pradesh goes a long way in remembering and eulogi...
Those last words were still echoing in his ears Those last words were still echoing in his ears
A scream belonging to a familiar voice caught my attention. A scream belonging to a familiar voice caught my attention.
Let me ask whether we will win or lose the battle Let me ask whether we will win or lose the battle
As he closed his car door, he suddenly felt a heavy object hitting his head from behind. As he closed his car door, he suddenly felt a heavy object hitting his head from...
Arjun walked in swiftly to the lobby and the secretary escorted him to the meeting room where the De... Arjun walked in swiftly to the lobby and the secretary escorted him to the meeti...
The guards broke open the door. They saw a ninja, clad in night-black, sitting in the lotus position... The guards broke open the door. They saw a ninja, clad in night-black, sitting i...
She was blindfolded and was taken to an old warehouse. She was sedated with chloroform She was blindfolded and was taken to an old warehouse. She was sedated with chlo...
A very gripping story.. A very gripping story..
The train lights blared, Nancy rushed towards it with a growing dread, but she was too late. The train lights blared, Nancy rushed towards it with a growing dread, but she w...
It was a cold night, darker than most. The rain was pelting at the windows. It was a cold night, darker than most. The rain was pelting at the windows.
Never ever underestimate anyone's talent Never ever underestimate anyone's talent
I woke up in the middle of the night with sweat running all over my body. I woke up in the middle of the night with sweat running all over my body.
I am lying on my death bed, as I write to you. Yes. I am you, but 30 years in the future I am lying on my death bed, as I write to you. Yes. I am you, but 30 years in th...
Very nice... Very nice...
Bishnu Shrestha is a Gorkha soldier in the Indian Army..... Bishnu Shrestha is a Gorkha soldier in the Indian Army.....
He learns to use his power responsibly He learns to use his power responsibly
The story is about a fictional character in one day of the Mahabharata war. The character here is a... The story is about a fictional character in one day of the Mahabharata war. The...
There blew a fierce sandstorm There blew a fierce sandstorm