Charvi Tyagi

Abstract Tragedy


Charvi Tyagi

Abstract Tragedy

"Serpents Of Shadows: Exposing The Hidden Demonic Realm"

"Serpents Of Shadows: Exposing The Hidden Demonic Realm"

3 mins

The world was grieving its losses both in terms of loved ones and resources. Amidst this sorrow, some pure souls were strangely smiling upon their lifeless bodies, assembled as a peculiar mound, calling out for their dear ones. The onlookers were puzzled by the unusual demeanour of these souls. Adding to the perplexity, the devilish souls responsible for this peculiar spectacle were weeping in a corner, soliciting donations to showcase the falseness of their emotions. The entire incident site emitted an eerie atmosphere, with people crying, souls laughing, and devils feigning helplessness. It seemed as if the entire world had become a mystic mirror, reflecting a bewildering scenario.

Suddenly, a loud noise reverberated for miles, sending locals scurrying to investigate its cause. They discovered a jumble of scattered objects, resembling puzzle pieces, intertwining in a chaotic manner. Eyes welled up, longing for an alternative scene, yet even their visionary communication failed to reach the ears. Onlookers pleaded with mouths to remain silent. A man exclaimed, "Oh my God!" Others stood equally amazed, witnessing the scene. Dark clouds assumed their rightful place in the sky, obscuring the sun, as if in response to the unfolding events. The planets trembled, and the sky shed tears, instructing the clouds to sprinkle droplets upon the lifeless bodies. People were unprepared for what they witnessed next, a memory they would soon attempt to forget.

Beyond the sombre clouds, the divine Angelic carriage of the saviour emerged. The souls were being carried away by the malevolent spirits called Dushtas. However, a spark ignited, setting the souls free to soar unhindered. Among the souls, there was a sinister entity that inflicted sin upon others, making their journey more agonizing. Another ray of light severed the sinful soul, granting it a peaceful transition into the vast unknown universe. The devils had reached their limit. They brandished their weapons high, ruthlessly claiming the lives of two pure souls. Witnessing this, the saviour enacted an elimination strategy, striking back at the demons with great force. Clouds, planets, the universe, and even the sun stood witness, enthralled by the divine battle. Souls were falling, demons were smiling, and amidst them rose a formidable Dushta who shrouded the souls in darkness and pitch-black despair.

The saviour struggled to secure a victory and devised a plan. Instructing the souls, they gripped the lower part of the mighty demon, executing the strategy as commanded. The jagged weapon swiftly ended the Dushta's existence. Others fervently fled, including the pure souls, not in vain but driven by valour to vanquish the malevolent forces. Who emerged victorious? The Demons. The revelation struck me with disbelief. How could this be?

In a sudden turn, the powerful demon retaliated, launching a piercing, nail-like fire that consumed the saviour instantly. No one, not even the pure ones, escaped unscathed. Bound by chains, they were stunned by their unexpected defeat and reluctantly surrendered. As they glanced back, tears streamed from their eyes, resembling the arteries ruptured in an accident. With a melancholic smile, they bid a silent farewell and descended into the realm of the Dushtas. They soon realized that they had been mere players in a game of fate, akin to characters in a video game. However, this revelation remained unknown to them. Demons continued to rise among unsuspecting people, while the pure ones fell victim to the deceitful machinations of materialistic horrors. Donations, divine intervention, and defiance against devils were all part of a sinister plot to ensnare the pure in irrational servitude.

Beware! Look behind you, for someone watches your soul, which may soon be ensnared in the devil's domain. So, stay vigilant!

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