Charvi Tyagi

Drama Tragedy Children


Charvi Tyagi

Drama Tragedy Children

Outlandish: Death of Stranger Souls

Outlandish: Death of Stranger Souls

4 mins

Love is a ray of light which pierces through the dark and guide us to light. It is being embedded in pink emotions and healing through what is called therapeutic romance. It is an adoration signal meant to suppress the negatives and enrage our soul towards achieving seclusion. We retire to intimate intensity of devotional segregation. Valentine's not only teach us to survive but to limit ourselves in terms of soluble evolution. Kriti was studding along the road when she saw Him but before she could initiate her vehemence into operation she lost Him. The truck crushed his body like chunk of junk which wasn't worthy of any attention. Movement turned into cessation with the color of love brutally suffering under the scape of Aura. The last droplet of tear was heavier than the oceanic raindrop and the last think she remembered was her transferring and travelling with Anuj (she doesn't know the name)- the one who was now just a corpse waiting for cremation. She saw herself proceeding towards a gate on which it was mentioned "The Tower of Chatters." She was confused and then once again in a blink of a second he reappeared... this time in a voice more deeper, with transparent body, a golden one indeed. Breathing heavily, feeling the pain of unknown separation hit her, she asked "Why are you dead, Wasn't it too early for you to resign to fate... I don't know you or your name but I do care for you... I... I... I like you and wanted to be with you but now... it's not possible" she stopped to breathe unable to control the turbulence of heavy air that was inflating her chest and sentiments at the same time. "I'm dead but not away... my soul still feels you... I know who you are... I became selfish to just look at you and your polythene in hand... imagining the polythene to vanish and my hand to embrace yours. Your aura caught me dead... I died because of losing my conscious in your beauty but I still wish to be with you and am here to confess everything I feel about this beautiful stranger that I wish I could spend my life with. I talked to God and he told me how my schizophrenic insensibility led to my end and not just mine but the breakage of entire thread that I had imagined to make a cloth of" he said with the deep voice now astounding the meek one that stood stunned. He continued... "My name is not what I used to have as a human... It is soul No. 34. I'm a new admission here but I'm liking it. I don't feel like a leftout. The light here is better than the lamp whose rays used to feel like a devil. You here have made it warmer than it used to feel by the pain of that Truck grounding me to where I belonged. You should know this that I would never be able to see you after this interaction." She was about to reply but he muted her and she felt like a disadvantaged peer not getting a seat in her dream college. "Don't... Just don't say anything. I love you so much... I wish I can meet you even in the form of an animal but I guess they'll not allow me to go now fearing this strong sense of affection that I have for you. You will anyways recognize me, even if I am an animal, right?" he said, the tears turning into heavy droplets that could bring about a disaster if fallen on earth. He walked closer and closer to her and then whispered "Now close your eyes and imagine your eyes feeling the cool air as me kissing your cheeks" She followed His instructions like an obedient child and was transported back into the black world... a world not meant for good ones. For the last time, she took a closer look at His face... HE WAS SMILING!! The lips appeared more reddish than the blood which made him look like a haunting beast. She closed her eyes and a strong wind blew through her face and hair. The wind was stronger and passionate but the heart, instead of getting cheerful died glumly. She felt a sharp pain in her cardiovascular muscle and closed her eyes the very last time. The crowd was now gossiping even louder, giving an indication of how two carcasses were smiling through their agonized demise.

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