Tushar Mandhan

Abstract Children Stories Others


Tushar Mandhan

Abstract Children Stories Others

Sage's Daughter

Sage's Daughter

2 mins

One there lived a kind sage in the forest who would go to the river to offer his prayers to god every day. Once while offering to pray, he felt something moving in his hands and when he opened his eyes, he found a mouse. Poor mouse was afraid that the sage would drop him into the water but he instead got out of the river and asked how she got into his hands.

"An eagle hunted me. Taking me to its babies, it must have gotten tired that I slipped from its claws and by god's grace, fell in your kind hands." the mouse explained. "Please help me. There are other wild animals in the forest who will hunt. I request you to please take me to your home." 

The sage thought for a while and then decided to use his powers to change the mouse i

nto a baby girl as he had no child. For years she lived with him in his house and when she grew up of age to get married, the sage asked her whom she wanted to marry.

"I want to marry the mightiest," she replied.

The sage went to Sun God whom she asked if he were mightiest. "I am mighty but not mightiest. Cloud God is as he can hide me."

So they went to Cloud God but he too denied being mightiest as Wind God can move him. Therefore they went to Wind God who also denied being mightiest as Mountain God can stop him.

Finally, they went to Mountain God who also refused to be mightiest as a tiny mouse can dig a hole in him.

So upon the girl's request, the sage turned her back into the mouse and married her to Mouse King.

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