Jumana Dhilla

Action Inspirational Children


Jumana Dhilla

Action Inspirational Children

Parcel In the Gutter....

Parcel In the Gutter....

2 mins

One Day, James and Sofia were walking on the street. They were passing a gutter and saw a parcel lying in without a label. James picked up the parcel and told Sofia Who's Is this? What do we do? Sofia said let's leave it here... James Said No it can Be important. Let's bring it To Mom. Sofia said No let's take it to the post office Instead. James agreed. They both walked to the post office and then told the postman they had found it in the gutter. The postman took the parcel and saw it carefully. He said one of my workers might have dropped it. Let me check.

The postman checked on his computer and he got the address. He took the parcel back to James and Sofia and told them this belongs to the following addres


Mrs. Amanda ROGERT


James and Sofia could not belive their ears! It was their Mom's Parcel and it was their address. They told the Postman it was their parcel and he handed it over to them and They took the parcel and happily went home. They gave it to there mom and she opened it. It was their mom's birthday gift from their grandma In New York. It was a beautiful Makeup kit for there mother and crayon box for Sofia and A book for James. James told Sofia  if what if we would have left it there, someone else would have taken it. Sofia told  Oh Yes!  So readers It's a lesson we should never take other's things with us.

Author= Jumana Dhilla Age 12

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