Nothing is Infallible
Nothing is Infallible
"Nothing is Infallible" - this should be the Modus Operandi of learning. Being an agnostic I realized the significance of a clear and distinct vision. After the dawn of that higher consciousness into my body, a lot of things are going to be altered. A complete transformation is indeed required. My new idea must drop a bombshell on the old and futile pre-existing ideas. My approach will be a quantum leap towards the better version of myself.
On the debris of the pre-existing ideas, the foundation of the new world order will be l
aid. My dream of an "agnostic world" will be a reality someday, with the motto of "Sarva Mukti ", the Homo Novus will carry on the emancipation of the corporeal captives.
But a foundational question which resists us always is - " Who will bear the brunt ? ". The answer is simple - " The one who carries the hammer of desires ". And in between the process, you have to find out your Achilles heel and after overcoming that weakness, there will be a meteoric rise of the untarnished consciousness, pure and knowing the unknown.