Shaheer Rafi



Shaheer Rafi


The Sleepless Dervish

The Sleepless Dervish

3 mins

This is the short hagiography of that enlightened philanthropist, who was indeed an ambrosia of Pacifism, among the rancorous religious flock. This is the story of the journey of a metaphysician, who transformed himself from a nescient to the omniscient. He was a true Sufic soul longing for the mystical union with the Ultimatum (Tasawwuf). From the lowest strata of the ontological ladder, he reached the pinnacle of truth. He was undiluted and transparent, having the intrinsic quality of a "Fakir", an ascetic. He was the man, who spent sleepless nights, infinite moments of penance and deep meditation, for knowing the unknown. He reformed the views of the ecclesiastical heads, by providing a new epistemological basis to acquired knowledge via transcendental experience. He made it clear to the dumb Logicians and Empiricists that, "my path negates the pre established notion that Sensory experience is the only valid source of true knowledge". He says that; " INDRIYAS (sense organs) can deceive us and hence the knowledge obtained from them can be delusional". He says, "I do not trust upon the Scriptures and the testimonial knowledge obtained through them". Only direct realisation is the best solution for him. He focused on that which is the core of everything. He denounced the rudimentary ideas of bogus ritualism. He concentrates more on the ground realities of human existence and the issues of the corporeal world.

The captivating simplicity of this idealist, attracts towards him, even the wicked Lucifer. He was the messenger of universal peace. He was

a great yogi, who had acquired a solid control over breathing. Sometimes his ecstatic state of consciousness compels him to dance on the divine rythm of the " Sama " i.e, the Sufi music. He was inspired a lot by the ideas of the Shaivites, the Kalamukhas, the Nihilists, the Vaishnava priests, the Vedanta followers and the Sufis alike. He calls himself sometimes as a " qawwali singer ", sometimes as a blasphemous person who complains and sometimes as a mad bonze named " Venugopal " who plays flute in the memory of his beloved. He says," I do not write poems but I am the poetry itself". For his contemporary poets and scholars, he was an insomniac infidel, who does nothing but speak ill of the Orthodoxy. His whole life is full of tragedies,controversies, and unending debates. Till his last breath he preached only one thing that is unity in plurality. He touches the lives via many dimensions. He lived his life as a freelance mystical poet, burning all the bondages of life in the sweltering heat of Truth.

He was a blunt and stubborn dervish, who sacrificed his life for the sake of knowledge of the reality, a philosopher with an unbounded heart. He was the true realizer. The dervish who spent hours for having a clear and distinct understanding of what life is, what death is, what time is!

He lived timeless, he enjoyed every moment like a perfect cosmic being, he was the " Mrityunjaya " the one who defeated the time (kala) personified as the Death Messenger (Yama).

He was the sleepless dervish, who for eternity become the axis mundi of mysticism.

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