Shaheer Rafi

Abstract Classics Others


Shaheer Rafi

Abstract Classics Others

Specism Precedes Predatory

Specism Precedes Predatory

2 mins

What if humans don't have civil rights, the right to live, the right to die. Just imagine a situation like that. Imagine that piles of dead bodies of humans being sold at the markets, a butcher cutting down your body parts and ruthlessly slaughtering you down into pieces. Is it not a terrible feeling? The same thing happens with the ones who don't have a language like you to speak or possibly you don't have the skill like Prophet Solomon to understand their feelings. You don't have the right to speak of pacifism, of having compassion for an animal, if you can't get rid of your predatory nature. This is the most poignant truth I am talking about. 

Your evolution will be hindered even for a millennium, unless and until you want yourself to evolve. It's your will either you want to ascend to the higher consciousness or live with the derogatory lower consciousness. You have the freedom of conscience, you have the ability to chose moral over immoral. Then why you prefer to be devolutionary. Do you want yourself to be like the prehistoric cavemen? Think in retrospect. What's wrong in seeking Ahimsa(Non - Violence) the way of the saints. From every dimension, the answer will be nothing is wrong. You people are captives of empirical knowledge. Hence you fail to see that core truth which is all evident in each and every animate and inanimate being.

If you really believe that practising non - vegetarianism does no harm to anybody, and slaughtering any being doesn't impose suffering on anyone. Then, do not hesitate to include your own progenies into your food cycle. Your lustful canines will be abluted with the blood of your own kinsmen, that's what you are according to your definition of human. What you practice is speciesism. On one hand, you selectively prefer eating some animals on the basis of their demographics and you are biased enough to call yourself an animal lover. What a paradoxical person you are.

How long will you be manipulated by your senses? You know you are the slave of your lavishness, of your lustful canines, your stupid ideals which have no pragmatic value, you only speak of morality in textbooks. You went far ahead of a culture which aims at compassion, love, and tranquillity. Humans cannot become human, without humanitarian virtues. Our generation requires a spiritually higher human, a new species of humans (Homo Novus)...Who will have the qualities to think of the integral good of all. Homo sapiens are outdated versions of the hominid family.

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