Art of the Divine!
Art of the Divine!

Lost that art which earlier used to appease my vital, now I am free to delve deeper into the mysterious music of the Divine. I will not exclude anything rather include everything into the flow of the music of the Divine. As there is no differentiation in His path, only He knows how to integrate. Let silence be the language of mine, for some time. But I seek something which is not mere silence, but something more than that. Have you heard of something called ' Ananda '? I saw that feeling of Ananda in the face of a monk
who has nothing in possession but the gift of the Divine. As if a distant flute playing some 'ragas ' unfathomable to human perception, but soothing to the ears of the divine residing inside the material body of the mendicant. With the help of music and meditation, I am enamoured of the Divine. Don't know anything about it, but certainly, it is a way towards absolute bliss. How euphonious touch of the Divine will be? What kind of joy will I be able to get, after the completion of this excruciating journey?