Mother We Crave For

Mother We Crave For

4 mins

There is a nice story, where a child was being given a letter in a closed envelope by the principal of a school, and being told to the boy to give the letter to his mother only, as she alone was entitled for the concern letter to read. The little boy hurriedly went off and gave the letter to his mother. The mother of the child immediately opened the letter and started to read loudly, where the little boy was the only listener. Her tears were rolling down her cheeks while she was reading the letter. It was written, "Madam, your son is an extraordinarily brilliant boy. With in our limited ability, we may not able to nurture him effectively, enabling him to thrive with full vigor. Please try to educate him personally to ensure his further studies. We are incapable of render required nurturing to him ....."

The boy was equally moved by watching his mother's passionate rendition, while reading the letter, only being showered with pure affection towards her beloved son, which only mother alone can render.

The son, eventually became famous across the world and his name is Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest innovator, the world has ever experienced perhaps.

At length, when he became already famous, and meanwhile his mother also passed way, one day he was looking for something in his old desk. Suddenly he took notice of that old letter. He immediately picked it up and opened it. He found the letter containing the message, "Madam, your son is a worthless and blunt headed boy. Is not possible for us to teach him, forcing us to oust him from school. Please take necessary care personally and privately to educate him...."

Now, this incident of Edison's life strikes the chord of my heart and engulfed me with an inexplicable pain and I feel a dire need to experience the plentiful of Edison's Mother, which are in dearth, who are the true stars in the firmament for mankind. glowing with a soothing light to bring calm delight to our mind. Edison's Mother are alone capable to produce innumerable "Edison" like innovators by virtue of their passionate nurturing, with the values being instilled in their formative stage, which alone can guide them to usher the progress of mankind. Keeping people before profit, a strength, they alone can manifest by virtue of their sincer

e upbringing of their mother, and eventually clubbed with numerous innovators, almost equal to their wave length, to change the vision and mission, and bring betterment to mankind. They could alone redefine the sense as well the magnitude of profit, where the targeted beneficiaries are majority of the people. To facilitate them, as well, to serve them, these innovators can create a milieu, where an exchange of healthy vision with the people could be possible, changing the dimension of mission with a renewed aura, saving the world from the devour of alone profit seeking wolves. Thus, they can act as a true savior of mankind, a crusader, we aspire for. They may focus to venture with the light of optimism they bear in various avenues of life, not just hovering for generating revenues.

At this present hour, when we ardently crave more "Edison's Mother", to save the planet Earth, make it truly habitable, not just for us, but for our posterity too. It is the mother, who used to spend most of the time with us in our formative stage, guide, cater and nurture us to become a healthy one in our future life, not just physically, but more importantly, mentally. Their caring trait and level of endurance alone can save us from decadence and inspire us to be constructive enough to contribute values to the society we are living.

Our society is nowadays experiencing a form of decadence, a quick erosion of values, where gradually people are forgetting to trust on themselves, their own values and precedents. Rather, they are only focusing to seek opulence and worldly pleasure, and their disruptions are only aiming on profit and material gains and that has become a phenomena, which we may consciously or unconsciously appreciate, not being properly able to gauge its consequences. A sense of disappointments, anxiety, and ephemeral pride eclipsed us and our vision became blurred, unable to evaluate and deliver true respect to the people, who are the only imperative and who are actually the author of the world history.

Becoming self centered and embellishing "I" with ego and vanity may sometimes lead us to frustration and we appeared as if a part of the whole, being disintegrated from the origin or main stay and encircling in an orbital plane, not a satellite but a celestial debris!

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