Debasish Majumder



Debasish Majumder




3 mins

A person, who is in his early sixties, every day used to book orders for lunch and dinner in an online App, and regularly he used to book two orders, one for himself and one for the delivery boy. Consequently, the news of his trait is blown out of proportion and all delivery men are eager to attend to his order with an alacrity. He became famous within a short while among the community of delivery men. They all are acquainted with him physically and felt attracted because of his human approach, caring, and sharing tendencies, which is significant for a humane and gradually felt a strong fervor for him!

Suddenly they noticed that for more than a week there is no food order booked by him. They started to talk among themselves and decided to enquire what has happened to him. Accordingly, they visited his house and to much surprise they took notice he is a bachelor and used to stay alone in his flat. Moreover, he is severely ill and needed to be taken immediately to a nearby hospital. They immediately made an arrangement and took him to a hospital where after a week he convalesced. They all enquired in a routine network and thus a unique affinity developed in between them and him.

Artificial intelligence is remarkably working to ensure profits to the owners who are getting their desired goals without hassles. Humans do make impediments to their flow of profits and the machines are working effectively to serve the interests of them amazingly. Without having any kitchen by virt

ue of an App they can enjoy enormous profits, whereas the delivery men are at bay, having no physical contact with their employer. The whole scenario is emerging virtually! ‘Log in and Log out’, is the only criterion navigating them only to exist, having no such distinct entity! Their lives are at risk as they are always moving in motion, having no capacity to envisage that every moment there is a threat of death in their pathway and barely having any coverage of insurance for their lives! Their family members too are unaware when their beloved one will be distracted within a wink of an eye only to engulf perpetual departure from their axis of life.

Machines cannot replace humanity just for the sake of profits. The human touch is indispensable. It is humanity which always trying to eclipse the cruel intentions of profit-seeking sharks with their vicious tendencies to create an ambiance to garner only profits. By virtue of humanity, we are striving and serving for mankind. It is a squirm available within our social fabric which guide us with positivity for doing betterment for mankind. It alone has the potential for not only fighting against climate change, and other detrimental measures being crafted by only humans and causing threats to mankind, but also ensuring the mental change to accommodate ourselves with all confronting changes and upholding humanity with utmost priority. Not having the characteristics of the delivery men to manifest as humane, what is the necessity to become a human?

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