
One afternoon, a man was sitting near a shop. His name was Mr. Choudhary. Mr. Choudhary had never set his foot on road as he always used to move in his car. Mr. Choudhary was a very rich man and due to some bad situation he lost his money. He believes in saints and worshipped god about 12 to 13 hours.
Mr. Choudhary lost all his bungalow, cars and became very poor. One day he visited one saint. The saint was very intelligent and an honourable person. Mr. Choudhary asked him, why he became poor and lost his rich life? Saint took his time and kept silence. Then Saint asked Mr.Choudhary if he asked him to choose what is expensive :glass full of water or gold coins,Mr. Choudhary suddenly spoke gold coins. Saints was again silent for few minutes. Again Saint asked Mr.Choudhary what is more powerful a needle or a sword?
Mr. Choudhary replied a sword is more powerful. Saint was again silent. He asked "Are you sure? gold coins are expensive and sword is powerful ". Mr. Choudhary said "Yes I am sure and what are you asking me these rubbish questions? "
Saint gave him a situation, he asked him to close his eyes and start imagining what he says. Mr. Choudhary did. Saint gave first situation to Mr. Choudhary if he is in a hot desert whe
re no water is available and he have many gold coins and he is thirsty too. Saint explained, here what is the use of gold coins and you can spend all your gold coins to buy one glass of water. First thing is that glass full of water is more expensive than gold coins.
Another situation given by Saint was if Mr. Choudhary you are asked to sew few clothes in just 5 minutes and you are locked in a room and you have a sword. Then sword is of no use. A needle is needed there. Then he explained second thing that needle is more powerful than a sword.
Saint asked Mr.Choudhary to open his eyes and now answer the questions. Mr. Choudhary answered both the questions correctly. Saint asked Mr. Choudhary that why money and cars are necessary. You have to earn and live. Mr. Choudhary explained that he was saving for his next generations and for his son, Karan. Saint explained that you should ask your son to be independent don't give them everything ready-made. He should be independent and should earn on his own. If a child is horrible and is dependent, disobedient, he can also ask you to leave his house and get lost. But if a son is good he can earn on his own.
Saint said / Moral :- पूत कपूत तो क्यों घन संचे, पूत सपूत तो क्यों धन संचे .