Children Under Child Labour

Children Under Child Labour

1 min

In India according to our constitution children under the age of 16 years are not allowed to work. It had been observed that government of India punishes or take fine from the violators. Some children are found to do work and live an adult life. They may be forced by their parents or relatives or anybody. Most probably it had been observed that poor people send their children to work in construction sites, in restaurants or any centre’s with the work of loading, cleaning, making food, and much more.

At the time of working they may be exposed to hazardous equipment which may be risky for their future. Go

vernment had made many schemes under the act of child labour through which poor children who are working in someone’s observation are taken away and admitted in a school for their proper and further higher studies. Children are born to study not to work because once the child enters to adulthood he/she has to work to live a prosperous life. But in childhood children are mean to study, play, enjoy and live life happily. People who are accepting children in their work place is a worst person. Although they should make their parents understand the importance of childhood.

Moral - Every child is special

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