Prachi Kapoor

Children Inspirational


Prachi Kapoor

Children Inspirational



1 min

It was very late evening. The sun was to be vanished from the sky. A boy Gopal lived near my house. He was very hardworking boy. He works at the construction sites. My mother always scolds me giving his example:-

1.See how hardworking he is,

2.See he always helps his mother,

3.You are only doing time pass, see how he is working all the day.

And always scolds me and beats me. She beats me very often because she knew if she would beat me than I would hospitalise or otherwise temperature will start rising.

One day it was more th

an enough. I was fed up with her so I decided to leave the house. It was the time of afternoon, my mom started searching for me, she got me in the evening, she cried very much and asked me to forgive her and she explained me that if she will not explain me what is right, what is wrong, then who will? She said to me, running away from the problems is not a right thing. You have to face the problems. At the moment she asked me to promise to never leave her alone.

Moral = When child is in pain, Mom is also in pain, as they are two but their souls are one.

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