Shreya Inamdar

Horror Crime Fantasy


Shreya Inamdar

Horror Crime Fantasy

The Haunted train Part - I

The Haunted train Part - I

5 mins

"Goodbye, Grandmother!" The kids said before leaving from the village of Jadoo's grandma. All four friends- Jadoo, Minji, Doldol, and Yunseok (pronounced as Yunsok) had come to visit Jadoo's grandma in their summer holidays. "Dear kids, come again, Alright?" "Okay!" The kids chorused as they boarded the train. "Let's go!" And the train set off for its journey. They had to stay for a night in the train, for the village was far away from their homes. "Jadoo, can we visit here again? It was so fun!" Yunseok exclaimed. "Of course, what a silly question! We can even visit in every school break if you want!" Jadoo smirked. Everybody laughed. "Yay! Let's come again in winter break, you guys!" Doldol said. "So, till we arrive, let's have some fun!" Jadoo jumped. "Look at that! The train assistant is giving snacks!" Doldol rubbed his tummy. "I am hungry!" "Let's play rock paper scissors! The person who loses pays the money!" Minji suggested.

Did I mention that Jadoo and Minji were best friends? "Yes!" Everyone agreed to the suggestion. "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!" "Yayy! It's Jadoo!" Jadoo lost the game. "The cart passed by. Go and catch it!" Doldol mentioned. "Get me a butter cookie!" "And chocolate chip for me!" Yunseok said. "And some spicy corn chips for me, please!" Minji exclaimed. "Phewww! All the pocket money from my grandmother down the train...." Jadoo sighed as she got off her seat and went to compartment number 9 "So I will get some banana milk...Well, there is barely anyone on the train," she said and ran after the assistant. She stopped in front of her, as the assistant stopped to give some banana milk to a kid, sitting next to a teenager, who was probably his sister. "Ma'am, do you have banana milk?" Jadoo said loudly between her pants. "Oh! I am afraid, as we just ran out of them." "Nooooo!!!" Jadoo exclaimed. "Well, then give me some butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and some spicy corn chips." she said in a dull voice.

"Sorry about that." she said, as she handed a bag to Jadoo and went further. "There's nothing we can do...." Jadoo said as she turned to go to compartment 8, where she and her friends were sitting. When she heard a soft voice- "Want to take this one?" "Huh?" Jadoo got excited, as she broke into a smile. The girl sitting next to the boy was talking to Jadoo. "Well, it's okay, ma'am. You had it first. I can't take it..." "Will you take it, and play with my little brother? He says he is very bored." She said warmly. "Uh... My friends are waiting for me." Jadoo explained as kindly as

she could. "Ohh! Wanna come to our train and play games with us?" Jadoo offered. "But... We like it here. It would be nice if you guys could come here," the girl said as she looked at her brother. "But we are playing games there. And yes, we just bought snacks so..." The girl looked into her eyes and said softly, "We like it here. Take this milk and go to your friends!" "Thank you so much, ma'am." Jadoo took the bottle of banana milk from her.

She almost froze for a minute to think, "Why are her hands so cold! My hands are freezing!" she suddenly felt a sensation of fear in her body. "Well, I will have to go to my friends now. Bye!" Jadoo rushed as fast as she could to the compartment door. She pushed the handle hard. But it didn't open. She pushed harder. Nothing happened. She tried several times, but nothing worked. She decided to call the assistant who was in the same compartment. "Ma'am, can you please help me open the door?" she said as she turned back to see. But then the next thing she saw, made her a little scared. The assistant was nowhere to be seen, and the sister and brother who were sitting on their seat, seemed to have disappeared. She pushed harder and harder on the door to open it and escape, but it didn't open at all. She screamed, and irritated, banged the door hard. Suddenly, she saw the handle moving, and Minji came to the door. "Where were you for such a long time, Jadoo? We were worried about you!" Now Jadoo was totally freaked out. "How did you open the door? I tried several times but it didn't open." "I just turned the handle, but why?" Jadoo and Minji went on their seats with their other friends, and she narrated the whole story to them. "...... and I was so petrified at that moment!" Jadoo exclaimed. "It might be a coincidence, Jadoo. Don't worry." Yunseok tried to calm her. After some time, when it was about 9 o' clock, the children were playing cards. When suddenly Jadoo spoke up, "I have got to go to the washroom. Minji, can you pleeeeeease come with me? I get a bit scared in the dark, and if there is a problem, you can help..." "Okay." Minji said. They both headed to the washroom. Jadoo went inside and closed the door. After she flushed the toilet, she sensed something on the ceiling. There was a black shadow with sharp teeth, falling from the ceiling. Jadoo screamed, as she pushed the door hard. "Minji! Open the door! HEEEEEELP!!!"  


Author's note: Dear readers, thank you for reading!! Excited for the next part to come? It is gonna be very interesting. Till then, see you all, keep reading & writing! 

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