Student Ordinary

Abstract Classics Crime


Student Ordinary

Abstract Classics Crime

From Dreams To Struggles

From Dreams To Struggles

3 mins

 In the bustling city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, two bright and ambitious young men named Jabed and Shabed were preparing to embark on a life-changing journey to Malaysia. Both had excelled in their studies at an English Medium school in Saudi Arabia, where they had completed their O and A levels. Now, they had secured admissions at the prestigious International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to pursue their respective passions - Computer Science for Jabed and Mechatronics Engineering for Shabed. Filled with excitement and determination, the two friends arrived in Malaysia, ready to immerse themselves in a new culture and educational experience. As they settled into their courses, they quickly became known for their intelligence, hard work, and dedication to their studies.

Upon completing their course works, Jabed and Shabed were eager to gain practical experience and decided to apply for internships in Malaysia. However, they were taken aback when they encountered multiple rejections, solely based on their Bangladeshi citizenship. Despite their excellent academic performance, they realized they were being unfairly discriminated against. Feeling disheartened but undeterred, Jabed and Shabed refused to give up. They explored other avenues and discovered that some opportunities could be secured through underhanded means - bribery or special recommendations from professors. Reluctantly, one of them paid a considerable sum of money, while the other sought help from a supportive professor to land their internships.

Despite the obstacles, they excelled during their internships, proving their worth as diligent and skilled individuals. However, as their graduation neared, they faced another harsh reality - their job search in Malaysia yielded no fruitful results. Many companies turned them away, citing their nationality as a hindrance despite their impressive CGPAs. Disheartened and at a loss, Jabed and Shabed made the difficult decision to return to Bangladesh, hoping that opportunities in their homeland would be more favorable. But their struggles were far from over. In Bangladesh, they set out to apply for government jobs, acing every exam they appeared for. However, during the police verification process, they discovered that their affiliations with opposition parties would jeopardize their chances. In a system favoring the ruling party, their qualifications and achievements were overshadowed by politics.

Frustrated but determined, they shifted their focus to the private sector. However, here they encountered a new set of challenges. Job preferences were given to candidates with connections, family members, or alumni of local universities. The companies they aspired to work for had hiring officers predominantly from local institutions, perpetuating a cycle of limited opportunities for outsiders like them. Ultimately, they managed to secure remote jobs with multinational companies operating from Western countries. While grateful for the opportunity, they faced a new hurdle - low salaries, often significantly lower than what their Western counterparts received for similar roles. Undeterred, Jabed and Shabed worked hard to prove their skills and capabilities, hoping that their dedication and determination would one day lead to better prospects. Their story is a tale of resilience, highlighting the struggles faced by talented individuals when the system fails to recognize their potential and unfairly restricts opportunities based on nationality, political affiliations, or nepotism. Despite the hurdles they encountered, Jabed and Shabed refused to give up on their dreams, demonstrating the indomitable spirit that drives many in pursuit of success and a better future.

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