Monika Kapur

Classics Thriller Others


Monika Kapur

Classics Thriller Others

Friends Forever

Friends Forever

3 mins

It had been a long day and she had just boarded the plane. She looked outside the window and couldn’t believe her eyes, the sky was slowly turning from brilliant azure to grey, like her inner self and slowly she could feel the clouds saying something to her. Suddenly the clouds transformed into alphabets, and she could read them LIAR. She stopped breathing and checked for fellow passengers, if they also needed the oxygen mask. She breathed, in and out and tried to regain control over her nerves.

She needed a little nap, and everything will be fine, she consoled herself. She closed her eyes, and her thoughts went back to her first meeting with Saavi. Long black hair and big eyes, clad in simple Indian traditional attire, she looked beautiful, her warm and friendly smile made her an instant hit with the office staff.

Meghna too formed a great bond with Saavi. They would have their lunch and tea together chatting incessantly about day-to-day affairs, Saavi was well informed and intelligent too, much for the delight of Meghna. But one thing, Meghna didn’t approve of was Saavi’s growing friendship with Advit. Meghna had feelings for Advit but couldn’t tell him and now she could sense Advit watching Saavi with great admiration. 

That Valentines Day, Advit proposed to Saavi in front of the office staff, Meghna was heartbroken, but she fought back her tears. Her ego was bruised badly, and she wanted to do something about it.

The next day Saavi got her a friendship band similar to hers and promised her a lifelong friendship, FRIENDS FOREVER WRITTEN on the band.

Meghna accepted it, without accepting the promise of a pious relationship called friendship.

The next day, when Meghna reached the office, the lift was not working. The mechanic was trying to rectify the issue. On seeing Meghna, he told her that he had forgotten some tools in his van and left. Meghna was about to take the stairs when she saw Saavi entering the office’s building, her beautiful eyes smiling. She quickly removed the notice of LIFT UNDER REPAIR and waved to Saavi. Saavi hugged her and went inside the lift holding Meghna’s hand, but Meghna lied to her that she had come downstairs to get her bag from her car. Meghna moved out of the lift and as Saavi closed the door of the lift, Meghna waited.... to hear her shrieking. The lift had a free fall and poor Saavi has no chance of survival. Meghna ran away so that the mechanic couldn’t see her.

Advit was heartbroken and to her surprise, Meghna was so guilt stricken that she couldn't even make eye contact with him. The entire day YOU ARE A LIAR kept echoing in her mind. She was profusely sweating when she opened her eyes after that uneasy nap. Her flight landed and she moved towards the exit. Her luggage came out so late that by the time she picked it, everyone else had moved out. She briskly went inside the empty lift and a strange feeling seeped inside her beings. The lights started blinking, the lift cabin went icy cold. A shiver ran down her spine. She fumbled with the buttons and suddenly with a jerk the lift stopped. She took a deep breath and moved towards the gate of the lift when suddenly her bracelet got tangled somewhere. She was shouting when suddenly, she felt someone near her ear, " FRIENDS FOREVER", whispered in her eyes and all of a sudden, the lift crashed.

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