An University of Oxford graduate, working in the software industry. Travel, sports and literature are the three things that I pursue with passion.
As I stood on the banks of the river, its tortuous route through Tibet, India and Pakistan flashed b... As I stood on the banks of the river, its tortuous route through Tibet, India an...
An abstract story of the author being drawn out of his humdrum routine for an unexpected holiday An abstract story of the author being drawn out of his humdrum routine for an un...
The arrow does not hit the target, my dear; the unerring aim of the marksman does it. The arrow does not hit the target, my dear; the unerring aim of the marksman doe...
I had trudged over an unkind terrain, thirsty, weary and in desperate need of a refuge for the night... I had trudged over an unkind terrain, thirsty, weary and in desperate need of a ...
A story of a passionate encounter on a moonlit night, by the sea.. A story of a passionate encounter on a moonlit night, by the sea..
Surpanakha has been observing the men with keen interest. Their sinewy shoulders and broad chests ca... Surpanakha has been observing the men with keen interest. Their sinewy shoulders...
Story of a man, who got swept away by the river current.. Story of a man, who got swept away by the river current..
Well, whatever it is, share it fairly among the five... Well, whatever it is, share it fairly among the five...
The princess had transported me through a magical portal into her own wondrous realm. The princess had transported me through a magical portal into her own wondrous r...
It was a rare occasion... he couldn't remember when he was challenged last in the game of chess.. It was a rare occasion... he couldn't remember when he was challenged last in th...