Encourage Youth
Encourage Youth

( An important article on a critical global issue )
Entrepreneurship is an employment strategy that can lead to economic self-sufficient. Self-employment provides people and their families with the potential to create and manage a business in which they function as the employer or boss, rather than merely being an employee.
The youth rarely receives information about entrepreneurship. Education on the same is highly needed. It will help them to be responsible and give enterprising individuals a chance to immerse themselves in learning e
xperiences - take risks, manage results, and learn from outcomes.
The IT revolution has heralded new avenues for entrepreneurship. Although it might take a few years before results are achieved, meeting the vision is mostly in due course of time. The results of the World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey show something free marketers around the globe should appreciate. Nearly 80 percent of would-be entrepreneurs in the world are between the ages of 18 and 34. They wanted to become entrepreneurs, despite knowing that it would not be an easy path to take.