COVID-19 in a nutshell
COVID-19 in a nutshell

Who knew of the introduction of a small but deadly virus in the future of the world until 17th November 2019 when a 55-year old individual from Hubei, China was first found infected with this virus, as per the information provided by the South China Morning Post. Things were still normally going on, without even a single thought that within just a few months, nothing would be normal for about a year or so for 7.8 billion people throughout the world and everyone would be stuck at their places struggling for necessities due to this calamitous virus-induced disease. As time passed, this disease spread at a fast rate, which grew even faster with each successive day. Full lockdown in the world took place, people were quarantined and everything was at a standstill except for this virus named ‘Corona’, which was on a rampage and was spreading fast and affecting people all over the world.
A severe acute respiratory syndrome which originated in one part of the world and became the most widespread pandemic which took away the lives of more than 2 million people throughout the world, started its spread in India on January 27, 2020, in the state of Kerela with its first confirmed Corona case. Considering the increasing number of COVID-19 infected cases and the safety of the people in India, a complete lockdown in the country was announced by our respected Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi on March 24, 2020. This lockdown seemingly positively affected our lives the first time. Everybody was happy as people were free from their office works and students were free from schools except for the front line Corona warriors like Doctors, Nurses, Policemen, Farmers, etc. who led the war against COVID-19 from the front. We had a good time spending these 21 days of lockdown with our families.
During the lockdown
period, our school started with online classes so that the lockdown and the pandemic could least affect the students' studies. This was when the start of a big transition in our lives was evident. We, and even our teachers and parents, had any exposure to this new vista of the teaching-learning process which was very fruitful in many aspects. The teachers used several platforms for teaching us and for better interaction with individual students. All our notes were provided to us online and studies were hardly a matter of only books and notebooks by then. This is a generation of science and technology where the internet plays a very significant role. Our lives nowadays are incomplete without the internet and we are dependent on it in more than one way. Imagining our lives without the internet during the lockdown was horrifying. People would have been deprived of so many things then. Because of advanced science and technology, the effect of the pandemic on our social and official lives was minimized.
Everything has its two phases, good and bad. Coronavirus being no exception here has brought untold sufferings for the world's people, but behind all these losses of lives and sufferings, it has taught us so many things that should not be overlooked. Life is unpredictable and even the most meticulously planned strategies can fail. Everyone is equal and nature never discriminates against anyone as regards her bounties or wrath. God and his blessings are there with us every time. The spread of the Coronavirus across the world is a time of test for us. We should always trust God and proceed further in our lives with happy smiles on our faces. God has plans for all of us. We should always be positive, as Willie Nelson has once said, “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”