Pratyush Das

Abstract Horror Crime


Pratyush Das

Abstract Horror Crime

Checkmate ( Part-4)

Checkmate ( Part-4)

4 mins

Episode 4

(Sumit was resting in his bedroom. Rathore comes in two mugs of coffee and see Sumit peacefully ...) Rathore: Sumit .. (Rise from Sumit Jat, his eye Take it. Since we have come and you have sensed, you did not get any refreshment, this coffee will give you a little relaxed. (Sumit is a little surprised to see) .. I may be Ruthless but heartless. Have it (In the hands of Sumit Coffee Mug, there is a SIP Father from it that immediately in the second second ...) Rathore: So what do you know about slave? (Sumit is silent then after handling yourself after a few seconds) .. Sumit: The more people know about it. Rathore: You just have heard, have not seen? Sumit: Ha, and do not even want to see, my life is beloved. The defeat of the dead is worn to play the duty of Viradi. Rathore: Amazing, he is a smuggler, a terrorist is active but so much ... (Sumit Sumit is from the middle) Sumit: You will be like a game for officers, not for me. People know only one thing about slaves and that is his harassment. Rathore: Summit behind that dog for 4 years, but I did not hear anything like that. Sumit: Maybe, but what I heard is very much for me.

Rathore: What did he hear? Sumit: It is said that some Arabs had raped his wife and a 10-year-old daughter, when he came to know that he went to his house and went to his wife about those people, then in the second second, then the same situation did his daughter. Both of them get buried in the backyard of the house and find them, their friends, then their family's people, then their clothes, who worked with them, have also got it in life, hit every person, kills every person. (Just like hippotized, Rathore has listened to Sumit's words. ..) ..

Rathore: Amazing Sumit, you have not seen him just listened to him. Even though he considers him, he is afraid of him? Sumit: You've never seen God, have seen the ghost, no? Yet they hear their talk and these things are on our mind and life. Just ... the slave is the same old power. Rathore: Stange I have been behind him for the last 4 years, with his every move, knowing his rugs, I could not see his face. Sumit: That's not .. Will not be able to see That artist is a man. He always feels that he is around us but does not see. And if anyone was seen, (Sumit's

clothing seems to be in the sweat exemption.) Rathore: Come on Mr Sumit, Give Me a break. Sumit: I knew that you will not believe in my words, but our Defense Agency of i hope will not make the mistake of the mistake of the mistake of 9/11. Rathode: What do you mean by that? Sumit: (Smile smiling) What do you think, the United States did not know that the bin Laden is planning to have an attachment. But what was his approach? "Who Laden .. Well, he's goth in the hill of Afghanistan"? The "Civil Injury" Gahil blew the eyelid of his pride as his pride as his pride. Now tell me how the Gotha knew that the plane that was going to be higher, there will be only one German officer, how to take a needle in the plane, how can he take a cutter knife and how to do that open How did they fly flight to Australia and diverted to the World Trade Center.

The biggest question was how did all this happen? Why American Aegis did not fully solely after the emphasis of the heel peak for two years, why they had kept their inquiry on the basis of some Suspects, so that they could not go to the surface of the case. This may happen in this case too. You know what I asked for questions will tell all that it will not help you come forward in this case. (Rathode Sumit does not see the society from the eyes and at the same time his phone rings) Rathode: Ha, speaking .. (talking to the front, he listens carefully ..) Are you safe? There should not be any mess, whether it is the first hour and Lele. (Then there is something to talk about it again. Then) We were down it is100% clear .. good job man .. (Keeps the phone by saying and then sees Sumit from the Penny eyes) according to your saying, I and Solank Sumit (in Utizana)? (Sight of the stool near Rathode Bed and Sumit's and cooking and .. Slow but in harsh voice ..) Rathode: Kalra does not exist. Sumit: (Whether completed and badly) ?? What are you saying? Rathode: (Knapping) This is not that any man named Kalra is in this syndicate or in any syndicate, which is connected to the slave. There is no syndicate in any of Person name kalra. (Sumit goes completely, he does not understand how it can be such, is it so deep and intriguing game that could not be a society. He is lost in thinking and he keeps watching a rod.)

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