Mihika Saraf

Horror Action Thriller


Mihika Saraf

Horror Action Thriller

Castle Paranormality

Castle Paranormality

3 mins

I woke up to the inner feeling of paranormal activity. I heard spooky night gales and ferocious and somewhat unusual howling of wolves. As I picked myself up from the creaky bed to my surprise, I was in a huge castle, a house on a haunted hill. I didn't bother to notice the unusuality and eccentricities of the place, and with my young spirit of curiosity, I set out to give myself a tour of the castle I had woken up in.

Dimmed flickering candles were planted in every distance, I wondered by who, as I passed. Regardless, I moved on. I was curious to know where I was so I looked out of one of the hundred cracked windows. Heavy droplets pounded against the windowpane as the murky clouds obscured my view. It was a dark stormy night, the mist was flowing around the castle walls. The moon was beaming through the dark clouds, bats were flying around in the rain. The dead trees were dancing in the dark night. The wind was moving the trees from side to side. The thunder clapped. Deafening noises created by thunder could be heard from miles away, as the lightning crashed almost hitting the mysterious, haunted castle. I continued. 

The cracked glass pieces barely stuck on the window wall, reflected a bleak prism, yet somewhat very beautiful. I walked as I kept looking at it. Suddenly, I screamed, as I hit something I felt living and fell to the dusty marble ground. I freaked out and I was shivering but I dared to look up. The fright of the moment petrified me. I sighed of relief. It was just a creepy ancient knight statue! Ah! The paranormal surrounding made me believe in ghosts and Dracula. But this fraction of a second incident had definitely built up my belief. So now, I was more frightened than ever. 

Yet this was exciting and adrenaline-filled my veins, so I kept strolling. I came in front of a few doors which I dared not enough to open. I kept walking.

I came across a very narrow dusty staircase leading down. I went down, regardless of the unusual look. As I reached downstairs, there was a very slender unluminious passage, so dark I couldn't see much far in front. I was just being guided by some dousing candles planted at long distances on the way.

At this point, I could see eerie shadows and blunt footsteps behind me. Regardless, I continued. As I kept going closer to the door, the pace of the queer footsteps increased and became much more loud and clear. I could clearly confirm something or someone was behind me, and looked like it was trying to catch me and as I looked ba-

'Aaaarrrggghhhh', I shouted loudly as my voice echoed as I opened my eyes. Alas, it was just a dream!

But I opened my eyes, I was on a creaky bed. I was in the same huge castle, a house on a haunted hill...

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