Art Of Emotional Bonding
Art Of Emotional Bonding

Dear Diary,
Today, I will share the story of the unconditional love that reflects the eternal bond.
As, it was an important day for me, the Inter-College Painting competition where I was representing my college. I was a bit nervous and excited too. But my excitement was just flushed away when in the morning I had an altercation with my mother on some stupid issue.
My mood was spoiled but, even more, when she left the house for her office without wishing me good luck.
With no time I also left for my college. It was more annoying when my ring finger (right hand) got stuck in the car door. I was full will pain which spreads all over my hand in a few seconds. This situation becomes more irritable for me. Now I was worried about How would I paint now? Will I be able to finish my painting on time? A thunder of questions flushed my mind.
As so
on as I was going to enter the competition hall, my phone rang. It was her to wish me @ ALL THE BEST for competition. I also placed my gratitude to her. My mood was a little ok, but the pain was a trouble for me.
The event started and with all my efforts I started my work. Ignoring the pain and the little fight, I kept on painting and finished in time.
Now it was time for a result, I was a bit curious whether I have performed well or not, or the pain has bothered me. But it was mere surprising and all pain was gone when my painting got selected for the First position. My hands got cold and my heart was beating as fast as it could like it would have got out of control beats.
The painting was tagged as 'The Most Beautiful Painting' reflecting the emotional bond of Mother and child.
The painting just reminds me of the Call of my mother which she just placed before my contest. It was like she is the one Eternal blessing of God, who knew every breath of her children.