harnoor kaur



harnoor kaur


5 M 20 D Iso to Quarantine

5 M 20 D Iso to Quarantine

2 mins

Story of Mehr......

Before reading, some keywords to be explained--

Quarantine- a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

Historically, it is know as 'Forty' which means a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease.

Isolation- the state of being isolated, separation.

Presently, every one of us is being in the state of quarantine, which is imposed by our government to prevent us from the tentacles of virus- COVID-19. This is one of the method where each of us has almost spend 21+ days (self- quarantine). We are just at our homes spending time with families.

Many of us have utilized this time in best possible way, bringing out our inner talents of- Painting, Writing, Cooking, etc and even working on our hobbies.

Since August 2, 2019, the virus spread out to cause -- sleepless nights, heavy head, extreme thinking, no more interest in hobbies, Killing flashbacks and cursing life. Will he catch me again, body getting bruises, locked hands, loud cries, physical abrasion no one to talk, fear to speak, isolated in dark, fear of life, death in front, and still begging to die.

This was the virus invading rights, emotions, feelings, and happiness. Thereby, causing her in the floods of fear, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. This was the Virus that caught her in the cage of isolation.

Isolation not from any disease, but from family, friends and colleagues.

It was 4 o'clock in the evening January 21, 2020, destiny called out, come, my child, your mothers' still stand by your side. The blessing came down in the face of strength and valor. Breaking all diseased bonds and ties she runs away to fly. Crushing all sufferings and constraints of the cord.

Today, peace and care surround her. The love and support of family are helping her covering the bad thoughts.

It was her, Mehr who was Quarantine by the virus called- PSYCHO- LOVE. She just prayed that Corona quarantine is better than the former one.

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