Alexander in Maheshmati Kingdom
Alexander in Maheshmati Kingdom

Contest Day 30/30
Bahubhali V/S Alexander in World War 3
It was just three years since World War 2 ended, the entire world was trying to emerge from the after-effects of the world when soon a novel virus had engulfed the entire globe. It was a pandemic that first started from the Wuhan lab, China.
The news headline flashed like a fire among all channels, " China has won the World War 3 without using any weapons or nuclear attack and the whole world goes standstill", "A well-played masterstroke by China", read another news.
While the whole world joined hands to overcome the crisis together in priority, it was evident that China in the future will have to bear the consequences for this heinous, inhumane act which was evident but yet to be proven guilty on record as China repeatedly cribbed innocence!
1 year later...
While the world was still struggling to find a cure for the novel coronavirus, the information leaked like a wildfire that some Ayurveda doctors in India have found a cure to the novel Coronavirus in the rare and ancient herbs found only in the land of Maheshmati.
The news wasn't welcomed by the Chinese officers as it shattered their dream to be a superpowerful country and ruling the world.
China was not in the stage of war with India since it knew the whole world will unite to out bash it, so he strategized a conspiracy against India to steal the herbs. The Chinese spy on the borders informed that Alexander had invaded India but amidst pandemic breakout, the situation had calmed.
Northern Greece then ruled by Alexander was in great suffering due to pandemic and was struggling to help their countrymen. The Chinese took advantage of the situation and misguided Alexander about Bhaubhali the king of Maheshmati and also informed how the ruthless king had taken an oath not to share the medicine with the world which was dying.
Alexander was furious and also helpless as it had to save his countrymen, he sent a cold warning to Bahubhali to summon the herbs to him else be prepared for a world War. Bahubhali was not only known as the king of Maheshmati and for his warrior skills but also his kindness and humanity, he was his people's person. He reverted Alexander's demand for the herbs since Maheshmati had just an acre of the herbs needed for his countrymen, he agreed to share a part with the world but dejected Alexander's demands.
The Chinese spy further fueled the rift among both countries which raged Alexander to declare a fight and attack on Maheshmati.
Bhaubhali informs their Vaidya's( Medical officers and researchers ) to expedite the trials while he strategizes how to curb the War.
"Bhaubhali, we are not in a state of war, we are just a handful of troops in front of Alexander's military, already the pandemic has cribbed the economic crisis of the city and most of our fellow men are positive for the virus. Even with US military support who have offered support to India, the war at this stage will only devoid human lives whether it's ours or theirs" said Katappa.
But Alexander was blindfolded by Chinese officers. The War day begun, the Alexander troops were successful in entering the main borders of the kingdom and the east corner was completely trapped by the Greek soldiers. Blood smothered all around the land, the next day Bhabhali strategized to manage and save its western region by plying trained elephants and tigers to the battlefield but Bhabhali knew this couldn't continue for many days.
It was already 10 days since the war, the entire Maheshmati land which once echoed with its culture and people was now engulfed in sands of blood. The war tremor grew more furious as countries divided themselves in support of Bahubhali, India and Alexander, Greek. While the war continued for another few days amidst the coronavirus breakout, the Chinese officers were seen reminiscing the plight of the world as it dealt with the war and virus. The Chinese spy informed his countrymen, "Sir, our strategy is working, Maheshmati is completely trapped by its counterparts and tomorrow as they
strategize the final dismay of King Bhaubhali, our officers will steal the herbs laid in the secret courtyard."
The next day at war field, the moment was close, Bhaubhali and Alexander were in a face-off at the battle, after few minutes of the battle of horses and air swings, Alexander and Bhaubhali got into a sword fight and in an unanticipated twist, Bhaubhali who seemed to had lost the battle got Alexander trapped in his sword fight.
"Bhaubhali! Bhaubhali!", The countrymen of Maheshmati echoed in distress and happiness. It was evening and the war was closed for the day.
The Chinese officers fearing their plan to backfire decided on another trap. In the darkness of the night the Chinese spy covered himself in a black shawl as he managed to reach the prison area where Alexander was caught, he aimed small arrows at the entrance guards making them fall unconscious and unlocked Alexander's chamber who was handcuffed. He then injected the guards and Alexander with the virus.
The Chinese spy then with the help of a rope and palm tree near the mansion entered the terrace and made his way to Bahubhali's chamber. He secretly viewed the chamber, it was Kattapa on guard. The spy hid below the black wooden case waiting for an opportunity to inject Khattapa with the virus. After a while, Khattapa returned to his chair and falls asleep when the spy slowly steps closer to inject the virus on his back.
In a flash of seconds, Bhaubhali makes a spin and holds the hands of the spy and traps him around his neck with the fist holding the injection aimed at the spy himself but in this physical argument Bhaubhali had got slightly injected by then.
"Who are you? What are you doing in my land, my mansion at this hour of the night? What is this injection? Who has sent you" Bhaubhali questions the spy.
The spy is silent. "Tell me the truth before I inject this on you", saying Bhabhali grips the spy's neck. Kattapa unveils the face of the spy, " Bhaubhali, his eyes look like a Chinese man, we need to be on high alert".
The spy was trapped and was forced to speak the truth, he discloses everything, about their plan and how they got here injecting the guards and Alexander. Kattapa calls the vedics to immediately get Bhaubhali tested for the virus.
Bhaubhali rushes to the prison area to Alexander and his guard's rescue. He immediately asks his Vedics to start the virus treatment on his guards and Alexander.
"Bhaubhali but the herbs are not enough for our countrymen and with this war, many of our soldiers are infected with the virus, we need it our kingdom" Kattapa suggests.
The vedics rush and confirm Bhaubhali samples have tested positive for the virus.
Bhaubhali smiles and says, "Mamma! Even Alexander was here to save his countrymen, if we too reiterate and be selfish what will be the difference. We have started cultivating the herbs and soon we will be able to find the way but humanity is above our rulership, we need to treat Alexander first, the spy has given high virus dozes to him, I just got bruised with his injection my treatment can wait for few days until the fresh herbs cultivated rise in few days".
Alexander was bowed by the greatness of Bhaubhali and understood he was misguided.
The war was called off the next morning.
After Alexander recovered from the novel coronavirus completely under the vedics of Maheshmati, Bhaubhali offered few portions of his herbs to Alexander and other country kings and asked them to cultivate in their land so that together they can save the world!
Alexander hugged Bhaubhali and said, " I will be forever in the debt of Maheshmati and you, Bhaubhali. I promise you whenever in time whether I will be alive or perish, my country Greek will always be in support for Maheshmati and India". Bhaubhali taps the shoulder of Alexander in happiness and friendship.
The world engulfed in the death trap of coronavirus slowly rose to normalcy with the help of Bhaubhali and Maheshmati herbs.
Words of praises and greatness beckoned and illuminated the land of Maheshmati once again!