Abstract Classics Others



Abstract Classics Others

A Little Hindustani

A Little Hindustani

3 mins

On the day of 15th August, that fragrance of freedom was lost in the air, don't know where. Violence was emerging on the horizon. Two different religious groups were blemished against each other, driven by the desire to defend their believe and influenced by the manipulation of political benifits. The air was thick with tension, and the noise of angry voices polluted the once-harmonious atmosphere.

In this atmosphere of tension, a six-year-old small child who suddenly stood between two groups. Who had innocence in his eyes. The sight of that innocent child standing in the middle of two different religious groups, facing the brunt of mutual division was unimaginable.

The angry noise that was in the air now starting to work, then two middle-aged people broke away from their respective groups and ran towards that small child. Together they reached the innocent, standing before him, mirroring each other's determination. For a brief moment, they locked eyes, recognizing their shared concern for the child's safety.

Then their eyes went to the little child, who was standing there with a slight smile, the tiny child's little hand extended towards them. He opened his little palm in front of both of them which had tricolor badge symbolizing unity and patriotism. And in a parrot voice "Thale dahan the attha"... continued.

Touched by the boy's innocent gesture, overwhelmed by the power of patriotism and compassion, both the men held the little boy's hand each. With tears in her eyes, they joined his voice and simultaneously the power of resounding "Saare Jahan Se Accha Hindostan Hamara" echoed pa through the entire atmosphere, slowly drowning out the noise of hostilities.

Seeing this profound moment, there was silence in the crowd. People on both sides of the divide felt deep shame, realizing how far they had strayed from the values ​​that truly defined their nation.

Suddenly, out of the silence, a faint voice rose, singing the words "Saare Jahan Se Accha Hindostan Hamara". One by one, the hesitant murmurs grew stronger, until both groups joined in, creating a mighty echo of unity that spread across a divided people.

The miracle of unity happened through the simple words of a small child's pure love for his country. Once bitter adversaries, now united by their common cause. have become supporters of peace, due to which an atmosphere of reconciliation and understanding started developing.

The news of this remarkable event spread like wildfire throughout the country. Inspired by the power of unity, people began to question the political motives that had driven them apart. The event became a catalyst for change, fueling dialogue and igniting a movement towards harmony and inclusivity.

In the years that followed, the memory of that fateful day of 15th August  served as a constant reminder of the power inherent in unity and the transformative power of love. The legacy of the little boy who dared to bridge the divide lives on, inspires hope and inspires generations to come.

As the power of unity and love turned to ashes the potential for violence and divisive thinking, a new chapter began – one that celebrated the diversity and flexibility of a nation built on the foundation of peace, harmony and undying love for its motherland.

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