Sambardhana Dikshit

Classics Inspirational


Sambardhana Dikshit

Classics Inspirational

You And I Will Be WE

You And I Will Be WE

2 mins

When I sit back and think of the day,

Nothing much just your kindness comes every way.

The day when two strangers met,

With all the kind gestures and respect.

Initials were so light and shy,

Never imagined anything so deep and high.

Strangers became friends and friends became life, 

Now it's a never-ending and forever drive. 

Don't know when formals became too much informal, 

Don't know when the shy ones behaved openly and normally. 

From discussing the career to family, 

Unexpectedly we become part of it happily.

Many times time let us apart,

We fought against it and with it to not depart.

Ups were so up and downs let us down much, 

You never gave up in any case to leave it as such. 

Chances and choices were many, 

But we didn't distract and choose any. 

There were moments when things scattered, 

No matter what you regained and never shattered.

Seasons passed by and changed a lot within and out, 

Yet we stood straight in every storm together and stout. 

Evens were there to hold things tightly,

But odds made

it destroy very lightly.

Moments were not so easy to live in, 

The surroundings were so disturbed and couldn't be seen.

From bringing into the family to becoming a part of it,

We have crossed a milestone of struggle and suffered it.

A day without you seems like nothing,

Just a text from you can bring me anything.

The very sight of yours skipped my heart a bit again,

The very first touch of your gentle care helped me to regain.

Love language is not only those three magical words if you dare,

It can be anything that is taken with love and care. 

Millions of thoughts and plannings were failed,

Yet you stood by my side to help me stand not to derail. 

Can never think of anyone else other than you,

Can't imagine my life for the best or worst without you. 

Anything can happen, but I do not fear, 

Everything will be sorted if you are with me dear. 

If ever I fail to express in words don't be in suspense,

Please try to sense my love even from my silence.

Not asking for too much dear just be with me,

Anything and everything is possible when you and I are WE. 

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