We Grow!!
We Grow!!

Haven’t We Grown ??… From those days, when –
“Mom used to feed us by showing us the Moon” – to – “A surprise dinner plan for her on her birthday“, “Learning footsteps from Dad” – to – “Teaching him on how to operate the new gadgets“,
“Fighting with our siblings for sweets/chocolates“- to – “Sacrificing our needs for their happiness“, “Listening to bedtime stories from our grandparents” – to – “Looking after them during their old age”, “Running to the terrace to look at the planes” – to -“Travelling by them to chase our dreams”,
“Showing our injuries that were caused during our playtime to Mom“- to – “Hiding our pain, caused by Heart Break “,
“Love for pickled rice” – substituted by – “Interim Love for Pizzas, Burgers“,
“Playing with paper rockets” – to – “Watching the live Rocket launch from the launch Pad“,
“Standing in the school assembly line, in such a way, so that we will be next to our crush (standing in the other line) ” – to – “Standing beside our crush in his/ her wedding photo“,
“Going to temple with our parents on our birthdays” – to – “Going to Pub with our friends on our birthdays”, “Eagerly waiting for the ice cream vendor to buy colorful popsicle ice cream” – to – “Eagerly waiting for ordered dry fruits ice cream at Baskin Robins / Cream Stone / Ibaco”
Of Course… We have grown!!!!!!!!!
Life has changed, from –
“Saving the pocket money in piggy banks” – to “Saving the salary in Savings Account“,
“Winning the sports/ cultural program Awards” – to – “Working Hard for Best Employee Awards” ,
“Wearing polished canvas school shoes“- to – “Wearing the most branded shoes“,
“Collecting the Cricketers /WWF Players Cards, in return, for buyi
ng chewing gums” – to – “Buying the stocks/shares in prestigious companies”,
“Scribbling over the book with ink pen“- to -“Coding with laptop“,
“Exchanging Greeting Cards & Friendship Bands” – to – “Celebrating the moments over messages / video calls“,
“School & College Excursions/ Travelling to Grandma’s village ” – to – “Long Weekend Trips / Parties“,
“Playing in the playground / stadiums” – to – “Playing Online Games“,
“Finding ways to escape from Mom’s sight to play with friends in summer holidays, despite the scorching heat” – to – “Relaxing in an air-conditioned room during summer times”,
“Standing in long queues for Movie Tickets at theatre” – to – “Watching the movies in Home Theatre“, “Waiting for festivals to get new dresses from parents” – to – “Having shopping as one of the pass time / hobby“,
“Helping friends in copying during exam times” – to – “Helping them in finding the right life partner“, “Planting trees in school garden” – to – “Holding the boards with message “Save Trees – Save Life“,
“Ideas to bunk school and colleges” – to – “Wishing/Planning to visit School/ College“,
“Saving 5/- to have bicycle ride for an hour” – to – “Paying 5000/- per month to use exercise cycles at gym“,
“Memories saved in photo album” – to – “Receiving the memory notifications from Google / FB every year”.
Oh my friend!!! ..Yes, we have grown and we will be growing – Our life style has changed – Though we are adapting to the rampant changes occurring across the world, let’s never lose our simplicity, liveliness and the child in us at any cost!!
Let’s Cherish all the moments in our “Lives – The Gift of God”