Li/ Afterthoughts

Tragedy Thriller


Li/ Afterthoughts

Tragedy Thriller



1 min

Do you believe in Trolls, gods, or souls?

Do you enjoy feasts, shills, chills, or shows?

I prefer Earth and stars to Mars and scars

Fertile lands to minerals and cars

Not to mention fumes, give me water and starch

Forget the stash, pay me joy and blaze a match

Burn the pain, shape me whole, from head to toe

Lord, Help me skip a fall

To the bedridden, your cry is heard and held thanks to the comfortable bed

To the cripple, your crutches wear a cape smile because heroes come in all sorts of shapes

Humanity is broken, we’re rotten, and this makes us different from apes

Don’t feel neglected while stuck in bed no m

atter what appreciate your breath

We’re low on faith and that belief won’t walk you this earth

Jesus neither died for our physical being nor to prove death

Lord, resurrect me from this tomb


What’s on the menu?

Bipolar, anxiety, depression, or another disorder

Regardless… you can’t stand starvation

And you are wrong, your body doesn’t need renovation

You’re a victim just like women suffer from menstruation. It’s natural, we’re normal

We’re not on drugs but this pain is addictive

Comes and goes, but when it hurts it’s death in the corner

Lord, please entertain me, I’m a loner.

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