Unforgettable Omen
Unforgettable Omen
A mysterious angel came,
Along with torrential rain.
Seeing me from far as acumen,
Told me the importance of Zen.
Taught me how to knowledge gain,
With little fear, I asked her name!!.
She answered, her name was Omen,
I came here to make you embolden.
Make you real wisdom is the main,
Suddenly took me with her to a glen.
While she touched me I felt so soften,
Though at first, I felt a tremor in my vein.
Later, I felt as she removing all my pain,
Her voice was full of sweetened.
She explained the life with full deepen,
I heard with full attention her, then.
I asked her to return home!! when?
Told me with sadness to drop me at ten.
I can't forget the day with omen and rain,
She taught me, in life how to be graven,
Today, she comes whenever I feel craven