Linu Job Gaurav

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational


Linu Job Gaurav

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational

When Will Wished!

When Will Wished!

1 min

It’s just you me and your wish,

Said the blue light that crept in from the wall.

Logically, I knocked around,

Illogically I muttered under my breath.

The Blue sphere, no the floating flame,

Flew in and out through the solid wall.

It’s a Portkey decided the Potterhead,

Oh! that’s rubbish, Jane put her two pennyworths.


Knock, knock anybody there?

Courtesy is essential, that’s what mom taught.

My blue smoky friend just insolently went in,

I stretched my arms and was pulled in.

Woosh, I went into the unknown,

dark at first, then blue, and green.

Prism of colours and mirage of life,

Some subtle sounds unlike the norm.

In flight and fright, I closed my eyes,

And the orbs opened to a beautiful scene.

Pixies and fairies, magic dust and Peter Pan,

The stories from childhood popped up in plain sight. 

 I wonder how I had forgotten that Magic is alive,

That will-o-wisps appeared only to those who willed.

Has life been such a sad plight?

Or is it just me caught up in random fights?

Thoughts set aside, I pranced around,

Floated in the air and painted the skies pink,

If this is magic for a day, let me live it to my fill,

Coz, it can be years before my will would wish again.

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